The MooBench Monitoring Overhead Micro-Benchmark
Note: Please note that we are currently reorganizing the project structure. Thus, the documentation might be outdated.
The MooBench micro-benchmarks can be used to quantify the performance overhead caused by monitoring framework components.
Currenly (directly) supported monitoring frameworks are:
- Kieker (
- OpenTelemetry (
- SPASS-meter (
The gradle buildfile is provided to prepare the benchmark. To build
the monitored application and copy it to the framework you want to benchmark,
just execute ./gradlew assemble
All experiments are started with the provided "External Controller" scripts. These scripts are available inside the respective bin/ directory. Currently only shell (.sh) scripts are provided. These scripts have been developed on Solaris environments. Thus, minor adjustments might be required for common Linux operatong systems, such as Ubuntu. Additionally, several Eclipse launch targets are provided for debugging purposes.
The default execution of the benchmark requires a 64Bit JVM! However, this behavior can be changed in the respective .sh scripts.
Initially, the following steps are required:
- Make sure, that you've installed R ( to generate the results.
- Compile the application by calling
./gradlew assemble
Execution of the micro-benchmark: All benchmarks are started with calls of .sh scripts in the bin folder. The top of the files include some configuration parameters, such as
- SLEEPTIME between executions (default 30 seconds)
- NUM_LOOPS number of repetitions (default 10)
- THREADS concurrent benchmarking threads (default 1)
- MAXRECURSIONDEPTH recursion up to this depth (default 10)
- TOTALCALLS the duration of the benchmark (deafult 2,000,000 calls)
- METHODTIME the time per monitored call (default 0 ns or 500 us)
Furthermore some JVM arguments can be adjusted:
- JAVAARGS JVM Arguments (e.g., available memory)
Typical call (using Solaris): $ nohup ./ & sleep 1;tail +0cf nohup.out
Analyzing the data:
In the folder /bin/r are some R scripts provided to generate graphs to visualize the results. In the top the files, one can configure the required paths and the configuration used to analyze the data.