The MooBench Monitoring Overhead Micro-Benchmark
The MooBench micro-benchmarks can be used to quantify the performance overhead caused by monitoring framework components.
Currenly (fully) supported monitoring frameworks are:
- Kieker (
- OpenTelemetry (
Benchmark Execution
Initially, the following steps are required:
- Make sure, that you've installed R ( to generate the results (Ubuntu:
sudo apt install r-base
) and awk to install intermediate results (Ubuntu:sudo apt install gawk
). - Compile the application by calling
./gradlew assemble
All experiments are started with the provided "External Controller" scripts. The following scripts are available
- for Kieker: In
for regular execution andframeworks/Kieker/scripts/
for execution of different call tree depth sizes - for OpenTelemetry:
for regular execution andframeworks/opentelemetry/
for execution of different call tree depth sizes
All scripts have been tested on Ubuntu and Raspbian.
The execution may be parameterized by the following environment variables:
- SLEEP_TIME between executions (default 30 seconds)
- NUM_OF_LOOPS number of repetitions (default 10)
- THREADS concurrent benchmarking threads (default 1)
- RECURSION_DEPTH recursion up to this depth (default 10)
- TOTAL_NUM_OF_CALLS the duration of the benchmark (deafult 2,000,000 calls)
- METHOD_TIME the time per monitored call (default 0 ns or 500 us)
If they are unset, the values are set via frameworks/
Typical call (using Ubuntu):
export SLEEP_TIME=1
./gradlew assemble
cd frameworks/opentelemetry/
Data Analysis
In the folder /bin/r are some R scripts provided to generate graphs to visualize the results. In the top the files, one can configure the required paths and the configuration used to analyze the data.