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TeeTime / TeeTime
Apache License 2.0The next-generation Pipe-and-Filter Framework for Java. For more information consult our homepage: http://teetime-framework.github.io
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Kieker / AspectLegacy
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Kieker / MooBench
Apache License 2.0The MooBench (MOnitoring Overhead BENCHmark) micro-benchmark has been developed to measure and quantify the overhead of monitoring frameworks. It is available as open-source software.
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Christian Wulf / phd-case-studies
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / jpetstore-instrumented
Apache License 2.0Instrumented version of the JPetStore6 with ExplorViz
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Mathis Neumann / TeeTime
Apache License 2.0The next-generation Pipe-and-Filter Framework for Java. For more information consult our homepage: http://teetime-framework.github.io
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TeeTime / teetime-performance-test
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Nelson Tavares de Sousa / TeeTime-Framework
Apache License 2.0The next-generation Pipe-and-Filter Framework for Java. For more information consult our homepage: http://teetime-framework.github.io
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Kieker / WebGUI
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Kieker / 4com
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Christian Wulf / TeeTimeVariants
Apache License 2.0Alternative TeeTime implementations for performance evaluations
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