"...teetimevariants.git" did not exist on "eed8e1787acbbe0893367bfddb0458b2f9056e45"
Mathis Neumann
import Ember from 'ember';
// TODO: update cytoscape instead of complete rerender
* The changelog parser takes a changelog (as a plain JS object) and updates the internal
* state of the Ember Data store automatically. Supports CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE and APPEND operations
* @class ChangelogParserService
* @extends {Ember.Service}
Mathis Neumann
export default Ember.Service.extend({
store: Ember.inject.service(),
* Parse a list of changelogs
* @param {Array} changelogs List of changelogs, as plain JavaScript objects
* @method parse
* @public
Mathis Neumann
this.debug('store', this.get('store'));
this.debug('parsing changelogs', changelogs);
* Parse a single changelog
* @param {Object} changelog changelog as plain JavaScript object, see backend documentation for data structure
* @method parseSingle
* @public
const operation = this.get(`operations.${changelog.operation}`);
if(!operation) {
throw new Error(`received an invalid changelog, unknown operation: ${changelog.operation}`);
operation.call(this, changelog);
operations: {
CREATE(changelog) {
const store = this.get('store');
const data = changelog.data;
const normalized = store.normalize(data.type, data); // using application serializer
const data = changelog.data;
const oldRecord = this.get('store').peekRecord(data.type, data.id);
this.debug('oldRecord', oldRecord);
if(!oldRecord) {
throw new Error(`old record for update operation not found! Id: ${data.id}`);
oldRecord.notifyPropertyChange('_updated'); // notify about pseudo property, can be listened on (see deployments/single controller)
DELETE(changelog) {
const data = changelog.data;
const oldRecord = this.get('store').peekRecord(data.type, data.id);
if(!oldRecord) {
throw new Error(`old record for update operation not found! Id: ${data.id}`);
APPEND(changelog) {
throw new Error('not yet implemented');