import BaseEntity from './baseentity';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import { memberAction } from 'ember-api-actions';
* Model for a system which encapsulates all
* @class System
* @extends BaseEntity
* @public
const Model = BaseEntity.extend({
* name of the system
* @type {String}
* @property name
* @for System
* @public
* loads the current revision for the system instance from the server (without caching)
* @type {Promise|RevisionResponse} plain JS object containing the revisionNumber (number), lastUpdate (Date string), changelogSequence (number)
getRevision: memberAction({ path: 'revision', type: 'GET', urlType: 'findRecord'})
"type": "system",
"id": "system123",
"name": "Test System"
export default Model;
* Response object from a revision class. This is only for improving the documentation, there is no real class existing.
* @class RevisionResponse
* @public
const Revision = {
// jshint unused:false
* @property revisionNumber
* @type {Number}
* @readonly
revisionNumber: null,
* @property lastUpdate
* @type {String|Date}
* @readonly
lastUpdate: null,
* @property changelogSequence
* @type {Number}
* @readonly
changelogSequence: null