import Ember from 'ember'; // requires flot.js to be included in vendor.js (via ember-cli-build.js) const { Component, on, observer, computed, String, get} = Ember; export default Component.extend({ tagName: 'div', attributeBindings: ['style'], timeSeries: [], options: {}, height: 300, plot: null, style: computed('height', function () { // flot requires a fix height return String.htmlSafe(`height: ${this.get('height')}px;`); }), renderPlot: on('didInsertElement', observer('timeSeries.[]', function () { this.debug('rendering plot'); if(!this.element) { return; } const $this = this.$(); // flot data points are tuples/arrays [x,y], graphs are arrays of these // TODO: index is not enough, should show timestamp or other x-axis label const plotData = this.get('timeSeries.series').map((valueObj, index) => [index, get(valueObj, 'value')]); // wrap in additional array since flot can handle multiple graphs at once, we only need one const plot = $this.plot([plotData], this.get('options')).data('plot'); this.set('plot', plot); })) });