import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Route.extend({ session: Ember.inject.service(), // loads services/session.js changelogStream: Ember.inject.service(), model(params) { const systemId = params.systemId; this.set('session.systemId', systemId); // add the system to all requests const changelogStream = this.get('changelogStream'); // lazy loaded, requires session id changelogStream.connect(systemId); /* * note that findAll returns an Observable Array which automatically * update whenever new records are pushed into the store. * The controller can observe this. * Also note that since we changed the behavior of findAll() to use the systemId * Ember will probably also update for other systems. These are filtered in the controller. * * We also load all the data, so that the transformation strategies can assume that the whole * meta model is cached. This also allowes that the architecture view is only an alias */ const load = (type) =>; return Ember.RSVP.hash({ nodes: load('node'), nodeGroups: load('nodegroup'), services: load('service'), serviceInstances: load('serviceinstance'), communications: load('communication'), communicationInstances: load('communicationinstance') }).then((models) => { this.debug('loaded models', models); return { systemId: systemId, instances: models, mode: this.get('routeName').split('.')[0] }; }); }, actions: { loadDetails(rawEntity) { this.debug('loadDetails action', rawEntity); const entityType = rawEntity.type.toLowerCase(); const entityId =; /* I would love to not generate the url first, but there seem to be unknown (to me) assumptions about * passing object parameters to transitionTo which break with the current path variables. * Otherwise this would use transitionTo('deployments.single.details', {...}) */ const url = this.router.generate(`${this.get('routeName')}.details`, { // use routeName to support architectures alias systemId: this.get('session.systemId'), entityType, entityId }); this.replaceWith(url); }, backToSystem() { this.replaceWith(this.get('routeName')); }, willTransition(transition) { this.debug('transition', transition.targetName, this.get('routeName')); // do not disconnect if transitioning to a child route (details) if (transition.targetName.indexOf(this.get('routeName')) !== 0) { this.get('changelogStream').disconnect(); } } } });