/** you should set syntax highlighting to CSS this is a .js file, because we can then use static imports which ember-cli can properly build. Notice that this is only pseudo-css for cytoscape. See the cytoscape.js docs for more info. */ export default function(theme){ return ` * { font-size: 15px; } node { /* all nodes */ content: data(label); shape: roundrectangle; text-valign: center; text-halign: center; width: 100px; height: 60px; text-wrap: wrap; text-max-width: 100px; } $node > node { /* compounds. "Nodes" in meta model. $ selects the parent node that has a node instead of the node (as css would) */ padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-right: 10px; border-width: 2px; text-valign: top; text-halign: center; } [type="nodeGroup"] { events: no; /* disable click, drag etc as this is just a frame */ } [type="node"] { background-color: ${theme.nodeColor}; color: ${theme.nodeTextColor}; border-color: ${theme.nodeBorderColor}; font-weight: bold; z-index: 100; } [type="serviceInstance"] { background-color: ${theme.serviceColor}; color: ${theme.serviceTextColor}; border-color: ${theme.serviceBorderColor}; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; font-weight: bold; shadow-blur: 0; shadow-color: #000; shadow-offset-x: 2px; shadow-offset-y: 2px; shadow-opacity: 0.5; } [type="communicationInstance"] { color: ${theme.arrowColor}; line-color: ${theme.arrowColor}; target-arrow-color: ${theme.arrowColor}; /*text-background-color: ${theme.arrowLineColor}; text-background-opacity: 1;*/ /*text-background-shape: roundrectangle;*/ text-outline-color: ${theme.arrowColor}; text-outline-width: 1px; font-size: 12pt; width: data(workload); } [type="nodeGroup"] { color: ${theme.nodeGroupTextColor}; background-color: ${theme.nodeGroupColor}; border-style: dotted; border-color: ${theme.nodeGroupBorderColor}; border-width: 2px; font-weight: bold; z-index: 100; } edge { label: data(label); color: ${theme.arrowLabelColor}; font-weight: bold; target-arrow-shape: triangle-backcurve; curve-style: bezier; /* supports arrows */ } :selected { background-color: black; line-color: black; target-arrow-color: black; source-arrow-color: red; } :touch { border-width: 2px; } `; /* js string end */ }