diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/cs-conf.xml b/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/cs-conf.xml
index 172de58ccd00596596ea24d45cf285d213d9a0d9..30cb12189eb4cace68a72832968516bbeda76639 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/cs-conf.xml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/cs-conf.xml
@@ -1,1178 +1,255 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.1//EN" "http://www.puppycrawl.com/dtds/configuration_1_1.dtd">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.3//EN" "http://www.puppycrawl.com/dtds/configuration_1_3.dtd">
+    This configuration file was written by the eclipse-cs plugin configuration editor
+    Checkstyle-Configuration: CS-Config
+    Description: none
 <module name="Checker">
-    <!-- KIEKER default is warning instead of error -->
-    <property name="severity" value="warning"/>
-    <!-- KIEKER Filter -->
-    <module name="SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter">
-        <property name="commentFormat" value="NOCS"/>
-        <property name="checkFormat" value=".*"/>
-        <property name="influenceFormat" value="0"/>
+  <property name="severity" value="warning"/>
+  <module name="TreeWalker">
+    <property name="tabWidth" value="4"/>
+    <module name="FileContentsHolder"/>
+    <module name="AnnotationUseStyle"/>
+    <module name="MissingDeprecated">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-    <!--
-    <property name="basedir"        value=""/>
-    <property name="localeCountry"  value=""/> JVM locale country
-    <property name="localeLanguage" value=""/> JVM locale language
-    <property name="charset"        value=""/> JVM file.encoding property
-    !-->
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     D U P L I C A T E S
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- Performs a line-by-line comparison of all code lines and reports duplicate code. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_duplicates.html !-->
-    <!-- KIEKER Does not work with headers!! 
-    <module name="StrictDuplicateCode">
-        <property name="min"            value="12"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value=""/>
+    <module name="PackageAnnotation"/>
+    <module name="SuppressWarnings">
+      <property name="tokens" value="CLASS_DEF, INTERFACE_DEF, ENUM_DEF, ANNOTATION_DEF,                                            ANNOTATION_FIELD_DEF, ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF, PARAMETER_DEF,                                            VARIABLE_DEF, METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
-    -->
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     H E A D E R S
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- NOTE:  You may enable zero or one of these header checks, but not both. !-->
-    <!-- Checks that a source file begins with a specified header. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_header.html   !-->
-    <!-- KIEKER !-->
-    <module name="Header">
-        <!--<property name="headerFile"     value="lib/checkstyle-5.4/header.txt"/>-->
-        <!--<property name="charset"        value=""/>-->
-        <property name="header"         value="/***************************************************************************\n * Copyright 2012 Kieker Project (http://kieker-monitoring.net)\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n ***************************************************************************/\n"/>
-        <property name="ignoreLines"    value="2"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value="java"/>
+    <module name="AvoidNestedBlocks">
+      <property name="allowInSwitchCase" value="true"/>
-    <!-- Checks the header of a source file against a header file that contains a regular expression !-->
-    <!-- for each line of the source header. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_header.html   !-->
-    <!-- Default: OFF
-    <module name="RegexpHeader">
-        <property name="headerFile"     value=""/>
-        <property name="charset"        value=""/>
-        <property name="header"         value=""/>
-        <property name="multiLines"     value=""/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value=""/>
+    <module name="EmptyBlock">
+      <property name="tokens" value="LITERAL_DO,                                            LITERAL_ELSE, LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_FOR,                                            LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE, INSTANCE_INIT, STATIC_INIT"/>
-    !-->
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     J A V A D O C S
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- Checks that each Java package has a Javadoc file used for commenting. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_javadoc.html#JavadocPackage !-->
-    <!-- KIEKER: OFF
-    <module name="JavadocPackage">
-        <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-        <property name="allowLegacy" value="false"/>
+    <module name="LeftCurly">
+      <property name="maxLineLength" value="165"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="CLASS_DEF, CTOR_DEF,                                                   INTERFACE_DEF, LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE,                                                   LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_SWITCH,                                                   LITERAL_SYNCHRONIZED, LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE,                                                   METHOD_DEF"/>
-    !-->
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     R E G E X P
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- A check for detecting that matches across multiple lines. Works with any file type. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_regexp.html#RegexpMultiline !-->
-    <!-- Default: OFF
-    <module name="RegexpMultiline">
-        <property name="format"         value=""/>
-        <property name="message"        value=""/>
-        <property name="ignoreCase"     value="false"/>
-        <property name="minimum"        value="0"/>
-        <property name="maximum"        value="0"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value=""/>
+    <module name="NeedBraces">
+      <property name="tokens" value="LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_WHILE"/>
-    !-->
-    <!-- A check for detecting single lines that match a supplied regular expression. Works with any file type. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_regexp.html#RegexpSingleline !-->
-    <!-- Default: OFF
-    <module name="RegexpSingleline">
-        <property name="format"         value=""/>
-        <property name="message"        value=""/>
-        <property name="ignoreCase"     value="false"/>
-        <property name="minimum"        value="0"/>
-        <property name="maximum"        value="0"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value=""/>
+    <module name="RightCurly">
-    !-->
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     M I S C E L L A N E O U S
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- Checks whether files end with a new line.                        !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html#NewlineAtEndOfFile !-->
-    <module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile">
-        <property name="lineSeparator"  value="system"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value="*.*"/>
+    <module name="FinalClass"/>
+    <module name="HideUtilityClassConstructor"/>
+    <module name="InnerTypeLast"/>
+    <module name="InterfaceIsType"/>
+    <module name="MutableException"/>
+    <module name="VisibilityModifier">
+      <property name="protectedAllowed" value="true"/>
+      <property name="publicMemberPattern" value="^serialVersionUID$"/>
-    <!-- Checks that property files contain the same keys.         !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html#Translation !-->
-    <module name="Translation">
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value="properties"/>
+    <module name="ArrayTrailingComma"/>
+    <module name="AvoidInlineConditionals">
+      <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
+      <metadata name="net.sf.eclipsecs.core.lastEnabledSeverity" value="inherit"/>
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     S I Z E   V I O L A T I O N S
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- Checks for long source files. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_sizes.html !-->
-    <module name="FileLength">
-        <property name="max"            value="2000"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value=""/>
+    <module name="CovariantEquals"/>
+    <module name="DeclarationOrder"/>
+    <module name="DefaultComesLast"/>
+    <module name="EmptyStatement"/>
+    <module name="EqualsAvoidNull"/>
+    <module name="EqualsHashCode"/>
+    <module name="FallThrough">
+      <property name="reliefPattern" value="fallthru|falls??through"/>
-    <!--
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !
-     !     W H I T E S P A C E
-     !________________________________________________________________________________________
-     !-->
-    <!-- Checks that there are no tab characters ('\t') in the source code. !-->
-    <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_whitespace.html#FileTabCharacter !-->
-    <!-- KIEKER we use TABs
-    <module name="FileTabCharacter">
-        <property name="eachLine"       value="false"/>
-        <property name="fileExtensions" value=""/>
+    <module name="FinalLocalVariable"/>
+    <module name="HiddenField">
+      <property name="tokens" value="PARAMETER_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF"/>
+      <property name="ignoreConstructorParameter" value="true"/>
+      <property name="ignoreSetter" value="true"/>
-    -->
-    <module name="TreeWalker">
-        <!-- KIEKER -->
-        <property name="tabWidth" value="4"/>
-        <module name="FileContentsHolder"/>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     A N N O T A T I O N S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- This check controls the usage style of annotations. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_annotation.html#AnnotationUseStyle !-->
-        <module name ="AnnotationUseStyle">
-            <property name="elementStyle"       value="compact_no_array"/>
-            <property name="closingParens"      value="never"/>
-            <property name="trailingArrayComma" value="never"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Verifies that both the java.lang.Deprecated import is present and the @deprecated Javadoc tag is present when either is present. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_annotation.html#MissingDeprecated !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER -->
-        <module name="MissingDeprecated">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>        
-        </module>
-        <!-- Verifies that the java.lang.Override annotation is present when the {@inheritDoc} javadoc tag is present. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_annotation.html#MissingOverride !-->
-        <!-- problems with Java 1.5
-        <module name="MissingOverride">
-            <property name="javaFiveCompatibility" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        -->
-        <!-- This check makes sure that all package annotations are in the package-info.java file. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_annotation.html#PackageAnnotation !-->
-        <module name="PackageAnnotation"/>
-        <!-- This check allows you to specify what warnings that SuppressWarnings is not allowed to suppress. !-->
-        <!-- You can also specify a list of TokenTypes that the configured warning(s) cannot be suppressed on. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_annotation.html#SuppressWarnings !-->
-        <module name="SuppressWarnings">
-            <property name="format" value="^$|^\s+$"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="CLASS_DEF, INTERFACE_DEF, ENUM_DEF, ANNOTATION_DEF,
-                                           ANNOTATION_FIELD_DEF, ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF, PARAMETER_DEF,
-                                           VARIABLE_DEF, METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     B L O C K S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Finds nested blocks, i.e. blocks that are used freely in the code. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_blocks.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER allowInSwitchCase !-->
-        <module name="AvoidNestedBlocks">
-            <property name="allowInSwitchCase" value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for empty blocks. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_blocks.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER removed LITERAL_CATCH !-->
-        <module name="EmptyBlock">
-            <property name="option" value="stmt"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="LITERAL_DO,
-                                           LITERAL_ELSE, LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_FOR,
-                                           LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE, INSTANCE_INIT, STATIC_INIT"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for the placement of left curly braces ('{') for code blocks. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_blocks.html !-->
-        <module name="LeftCurly">
-            <property name="option"        value="eol"/>
-            <property name="maxLineLength" value="165"/>
-            <property name="tokens"        value="CLASS_DEF, CTOR_DEF,
-                                                  INTERFACE_DEF, LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE,
-                                                  LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_SWITCH,
-                                                  LITERAL_SYNCHRONIZED, LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE,
-                                                  METHOD_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for braces around code blocks. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_blocks.html !-->
-        <module name="NeedBraces">
-            <property name="tokens" value="LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_WHILE"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the placement of right curly braces ('}') for else, try, and catch tokens. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_blocks.html !-->
-        <module name="RightCurly">
-            <property name="option"          value="same"/>
-            <property name="tokens"          value="LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_ELSE"/>
-            <property name="shouldStartLine" value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     C L A S S   D E S I G N
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks that classes are designed for extension. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="DesignForExtension"/>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks that a class which has only private constructors is declared as final. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <module name="FinalClass"/>
-        <!-- Make sure that utility classes (classes that contain only static methods) do not have a public constructor. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <module name="HideUtilityClassConstructor"/>
-        <!-- Check nested (internal) classes/interfaces are declared at the bottom of the class after all method and field declarations. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_design.html#InnerTypeLast !-->
-        <module name="InnerTypeLast"/>
-        <!-- Implements Bloch, Effective Java, Item 17 - Use Interfaces only to define types. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <module name="InterfaceIsType">
-            <property name="allowMarkerInterfaces" value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Ensures that exceptions (defined as any class name conforming to some regular expression) are immutable. !-->
-        <!-- That is, have only final fields. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <module name="MutableException">
-            <property name="format" value="^.*Exception$|^.*Error$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Restricts throws statements to a specified count. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off
-        <module name="ThrowsCount">
-            <property name="max" value="1"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks visibility of class members. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_design.html !-->
-        <module name="VisibilityModifier">
-            <property name="packageAllowed"      value="false"/>
-            <property name="protectedAllowed"    value="true"/>
-            <property name="publicMemberPattern" value="^serialVersionUID$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     C O D I N G
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks that array initialization contains a trailing comma. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="ArrayTrailingComma"/>
-        <!-- Detects inline conditionals. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="AvoidInlineConditionals"/>
-        <!-- Checks that classes that define a covariant equals() method also override method equals(java.lang.Object). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="CovariantEquals"/>
-        <!-- Checks declaration order according to Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="DeclarationOrder">
-            <property name="ignoreConstructors" value="false"/>
-            <property name="ignoreMethods"      value="false"/>
-            <property name="ignoreModifiers"    value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Check that the default is after all the cases in a switch statement. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="DefaultComesLast"/>
-        <!-- Detects empty statements (standalone ;). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="EmptyStatement"/>
-        <!-- Checks that any combination of String literals with optional assignment is on the left side of an equals() comparison. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#EqualsAvoidNull !-->
-        <module name="EqualsAvoidNull"/>
-        <!-- Checks that classes that override equals() also override hashCode(). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="EqualsHashCode"/>
-        <!-- Checks if any class or object member explicitly initialized to default for its type value. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off
-        <module name="ExplicitInitialization"/>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks for fall through in switch statements Finds locations where a case contains Java code ... !-->
-        <!-- but lacks a break, return, throw or continue statement. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="FallThrough">
-            <property name="checkLastCaseGroup" value="false"/>
-            <property name="reliefPattern"      value="fallthru|falls??through"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that local variables that never have their values changed are declared final. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="FinalLocalVariable">
-            <property name="tokens" value="VARIABLE_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that a local variable or a parameter does not shadow a field that is defined in the same class. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER ignoreConstructorParameter, ignoreSetter -->
-        <module name="HiddenField">
-            <property name="tokens"                     value="PARAMETER_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF"/>
-            <!--
-            <property name="ignoreFormat"               value=""/>
-            !-->
-            <property name="ignoreConstructorParameter" value="true"/>
-            <property name="ignoreSetter"               value="true"/>
-            <property name="ignoreAbstractMethods"      value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Catching java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException is almost never acceptable. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="IllegalCatch">
-            <property name="illegalClassNames" value="java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.RuntimeException"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for illegal instantiations where a factory method is preferred. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER on for ??? !-->
-        <module name="IllegalInstantiation">
-            <property name="classes" value="java.lang.Boolean"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- This check can be used to ensure that types are not declared to be thrown. !-->
-        <!-- Declaring to throw java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException is almost never acceptable. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#IllegalThrows !-->
-        <module name="IllegalThrows">
-            <property name="illegalClassNames" value="java.lang.Throwable, java.lang.Error, java.lang.RuntimeException"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for illegal tokens. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off
-        <module name="IllegalToken">
-            <property name="tokens" value="LITERAL_SWITCH, POST_INC, POST_DEC"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks for illegal token text. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="IllegalTokenText">
-            <property name="tokens"     value=""/>
-            <property name="format"     value=""/>
-            <property name="ignoreCase" value="false"/>
-            <property name="message"    value=""/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks that particular classes are never used as types in variable declarations, return values or parameters. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER removed format value="^(.*[\\.])?Abstract.*$" !-->
-        <module name="IllegalType">
-             <property name="tokens"                 value="PARAMETER_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF, METHOD_DEF"/>
-             <property name="illegalClassNames"      value="java.util.GregorianCalendar, java.util.Hashtable,
-                                                            java.util.HashSet, java.util.HashMap, java.util.ArrayList,
-                                                            java.util.LinkedList, java.util.LinkedHashMap,
-                                                            java.util.LinkedHashSet, java.util.TreeSet,
-                                                            java.util.TreeMap, java.util.Vector"/>
-            <property name="legalAbstractClassNames" value=""/>
-            <property name="ignoredMethodNames"      value="getInitialContext, getEnvironment"/>
-            <property name="format"                  value="XXX"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for assignments in subexpressions, such as in String s = Integer.toString(i = 2);. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="InnerAssignment">
-            <property name="tokens" value="ASSIGN, BAND_ASSIGN, BOR_ASSIGN, BSR_ASSIGN, BXOR_ASSIGN,
-                                           DIV_ASSIGN, MINUS_ASSIGN, MOD_ASSIGN, PLUS_ASSIGN, SL_ASSIGN,
-                                           SR_ASSIGN, STAR_ASSIGN"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Ensures that the setUp(), tearDown()methods are named correctly, have no arguments, !-->
-        <!-- return void and are either public or protected. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="JUnitTestCase"/>
-        <!-- Checks that there are no "magic numbers", where a magic number is a numeric literal !-->
-        <!-- that is not defined as a constant. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <!-- deactivated for Kieker
-        <module name="MagicNumber">
-            <property name="tokens"               value="NUM_DOUBLE, NUM_FLOAT, NUM_INT, NUM_LONG"/>
-            <property name="ignoreNumbers"        value="-1, 0, 1, 2"/>
-            <property name="ignoreHashCodeMethod" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks that classes (except abtract one) define a ctor and don't rely on the default one. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="MissingCtor"/>
-        <!-- Checks that switch statement has "default" clause. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="MissingSwitchDefault"/>
-        <!-- Check for ensuring that for loop control variables are not modified inside the for block. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#ModifiedControlVariable !-->
-        <module name="ModifiedControlVariable"/>
-        <!-- Checks for multiple occurrences of the same string literal within a single file. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#MultipleStringLiterals !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off for now
-        <module name="MultipleStringLiterals">
-            <property name="allowedDuplicates"       value="1"/>
-            <property name="ignoreStringsRegexp"     value='^""$'/>
-            <property name="ignoreOccurrenceContext" value="ANNOTATION"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks that each variable declaration is in its own statement and on its own line. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="MultipleVariableDeclarations"/>
-        <!-- Restricts nested for blocks to a specified depth. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#NestedForDepth !-->
-        <module name="NestedForDepth">
-            <property name="max" value="2"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Restricts nested if-else blocks to a specified depth. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="NestedIfDepth">
-            <property name="max" value="3"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Restricts nested try-catch blocks to a specified depth. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="NestedTryDepth">
-            <property name="max" value="1"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that the clone method is not overridden from the Object class. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#NoClone !-->
-        <module name="NoClone"/>
-        <!-- Verifies there are no finalize() methods defined in a class. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#NoFinalizer !-->
-        <module name="NoFinalizer"/>
-        <!-- Checks there is only one statement per line. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_coding.html#OneStatementPerLine !-->
-        <module name="OneStatementPerLine"/>
-        <!-- Ensure a class has a package declaration. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="PackageDeclaration">
-            <property name="ignoreDirectoryName" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Disallow assignment of parameters. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="ParameterAssignment"/>
-        <!-- Checks for redundant exceptions declared in throws clause such as duplicates, !-->
-        <!-- unchecked exceptions or subclasses of another declared exception. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="RedundantThrows">
-            <property name="allowUnchecked"     value="true"/>
-            <property name="allowSubclasses"    value="false"/>
-            <property name="logLoadErrors"      value="true"/>
-            <property name="suppressLoadErrors" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that code doesn't rely on the "this." default. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="RequireThis">
-            <property name="checkFields"  value="true"/>
-            <property name="checkMethods" value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Restrict the number of return statements. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="ReturnCount">
-            <property name="max"    value="2"/>
-            <property name="format" value=""/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for overly complicated boolean expressions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="SimplifyBooleanExpression"/>
-        <!-- Checks for overly complicated boolean return statements. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="SimplifyBooleanReturn"/>
-        <!-- Checks that string literals are not used with == or !=. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="StringLiteralEquality"/>
-        <!-- Checks that an overriding clone() method invokes super.clone(). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="SuperClone"/>
-        <!-- Checks that an overriding finalize() method invokes super.finalize(). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="SuperFinalize"/>
-        <!-- Checks for the use of unnecessary parentheses. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_coding.html !-->
-        <module name="UnnecessaryParentheses"/>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     I M P O R T S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks that there are no import statements that use the * notation. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_import.html !-->
-        <module name="AvoidStarImport">
-            <property name="excludes"                 value=""/>
-            <property name="allowClassImports"        value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowStaticMemberImports" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that there are no static import statements. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_imports.html#AvoidStaticImport !-->
-        <module name="AvoidStaticImport">
-            <property name="excludes" value=""/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for imports from a set of illegal packages. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_import.html !-->
-        <module name="IllegalImport">
-            <property name="illegalPkgs" value="sun"/>
-            <property name="illegalPkgs" value="org.apache.commons.logging"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Controls what can be imported in each package. Useful for ensuring that application layering rules !-->
-        <!-- are not violated, especially on large projects. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_imports.html#ImportControl !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="ImportControl">
-            <property name="file" value=""/>
-            <property name="url"  value=""/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks the ordering/grouping of imports. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_import.html !-->
-        <module name="ImportOrder">
-            <property name="option"        value="under"/>
-            <property name="groups"        value="java,javax,junit,org,com,kieker,org.primefaces,org.eclipse"/>
-            <property name="ordered"       value="true"/>
-            <property name="separated"     value="true"/>
-            <property name="caseSensitive" value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for redundant import statements. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_import.html !-->
-        <module name="RedundantImport"/>
-        <!-- Checks for unused import statements. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_import.html !-->
-        <module name="UnusedImports"/>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     J A V A D O C S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks to ensure that the javadoc tags exist (if required) !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_javadoc.html#JavadocMethod !-->
-        <module name="JavadocMethod">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="scope"                        value="private"/>
-            <!--
-            <property name="excludeScope"                 value=""/>
-            !-->
-            <property name="allowUndeclaredRTE"           value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowThrowsTagsForSubclasses" value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowMissingParamTags"        value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowMissingThrowsTags"       value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowMissingReturnTag"        value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowMissingJavadoc"          value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowMissingPropertyJavadoc"  value="false"/>
-            <property name="logLoadErrors"                value="true"/>
-            <property name="suppressLoadErrors"           value="false"/>
-            <property name="tokens"                       value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Validates Javadoc comments to help ensure they are well formed. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_javadoc.html#JavadocStyle !-->
-        <module name="JavadocStyle">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="scope"               value="private"/>
-            <!--
-            <property name="excludeScope"        value=""/>
-            !-->
-            <property name="checkFirstSentence"  value="true"/>
-<!--TODO:            <property name="endOfSentenceFormat" value="([.?!][ \t\n\r\f<])|([.?!]$)"/> !-->
-            <property name="checkEmptyJavadoc"   value="false"/>
-            <property name="checkHtml"           value="true"/>
-            <property name="tokens"              value="INTERFACE_DEF, CLASS_DEF, METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks Javadoc comments for class and interface definitions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_javadoc.html#JavadocType !-->
-        <module name="JavadocType">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="scope"                 value="private"/>
-            <!--
-            <property name="excludeScope"          value=""/>
-            !-->
-            <property name="authorFormat"          value=""/>
-            <!--<property name="versionFormat"         value=""/>!-->
-            <property name="allowMissingParamTags" value="false"/>
-            <property name="allowUnknownTags"      value="false"/>
-            <property name="tokens"                value="INTERFACE_DEF, CLASS_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <module name="JavadocType">
-            <property name="severity" value="warning"/>
-            <property name="scope" value="package"/>
-            <property name="authorFormat" value="\S"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that variables have Javadoc comments. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_javadoc.html#JavadocVariable !-->
-        <module name="JavadocVariable">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="scope"        value="package"/>
-            <!--
-            <property name="excludeScope" value=""/>
-            !-->
-        </module>
-        <!-- Outputs a JavaDoc tag as information. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_javadoc.html#WriteTag !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER
-        <module name="WriteTag">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="tag"         value=""/>
-            <property name="tagFormat"   value=""/>
-            <property name="tagSeverity" value="info"/>
-        </module>
-        -->
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     M E T R I C S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Restrict the number of number of &&, || and ^ in an expression. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_metrics.html !-->
-        <module name="BooleanExpressionComplexity">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max"    value="3"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="LAND, BAND, LOR, BOR, BXOR"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks cyclomatic complexity against a specified limit. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_metrics.html !-->
-        <module name="CyclomaticComplexity">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max" value="10"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Determines complexity of methods, classes and files by counting the Non Commenting Source Statements (NCSS). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_metrics.html#JavaNCSS !-->
-        <module name="JavaNCSS">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="methodMaximum" value="50"/>
-            <property name="classMaximum"  value="1500"/>
-            <property name="fileMaximum"   value="2000"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- The NPATH metric computes the number of possible execution paths through a function. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_metrics.html !-->
-        <module name="NPathComplexity">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max" value="200"/>
-        </module>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     M I S C E L L A N E O U S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks the style of array type definitions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <module name="ArrayTypeStyle">
-            <property name="javaStyle" value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for restricted tokens beneath other tokens. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="DescendantToken">
-            <property name="tokens"         value=""/>
-            <property name="limitedTokens"  value=""/>
-            <property name="minimumDepth"   value="0"/>
-            <property name="maximumDepth"   value="java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE"/>
-            <property name="minimumNumber"  value="0"/>
-            <property name="maximumNumber"  value="java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE"/>
-            <property name="sumTokenCounts" value="false"/>
-            <property name="minimumMessage" value="descendant.token.min"/>
-            <property name="maximumMessage" value="descendant.token.max"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Check that method/constructor parameters are final. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <module name="FinalParameters">
-            <property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- A generic check for code problems - the user can search for any pattern. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="GenericIllegalRegexp">
-            <property name="format"         value="\S\s+$"/>
-            <property name="message"        value="Line has trailing spaces."/>
-            <property name="ignoreCase"     value="false"/>
-            <property name="ignoreComments" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- Checks correct indentation of Java Code. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER -->
-        <module name="Indentation">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>        
-            <property name="basicOffset"     value="4"/>
-            <property name="braceAdjustment" value="0"/>
-            <property name="caseIndent"      value="0"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that the outer type name and the file name match. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_misc.html#OuterTypeFilename !-->
-        <module name="OuterTypeFilename"/>
-        <!-- A check for TODO: comments. Actually it is a generic regular expression matcher on Java comments. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <!-- Kieker !-->
-        <module name="TodoComment">
-            <property name="format" value="TODO"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- The check to ensure that requires that comments be the only thing on a line. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER we use them
-        <module name="TrailingComment">
-            <property name="format"       value="^[\\s\\}\\);]*$"/>
-            <property name="legalComment" value=""/>
-        </module>
-        -->
-        <!-- Checks for uncommented main() methods (debugging leftovers). !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <module name="UncommentedMain">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/> 
-            <property name="excludedClasses" value="Main$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that long constants are defined with an upper ell. That is 'L' and not 'l'. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_misc.html !-->
-        <module name="UpperEll"/>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     M O D I F I E R S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks that the order of modifiers conforms to the suggestions in the Java Language specification, !-->
-        <!-- sections 8.1.1, 8.3.1 and 8.4.3. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_modifiers.html !-->
-        <module name="ModifierOrder"/>
-        <!-- Checks that there are no redundant modifiers. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_modifiers.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off
-        <module name="RedundantModifier">
-            <property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF, ANNOTATION_FIELD_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     N A M I N G   C O N V E N T I O N S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks for abstract class name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER removed |^.*Factory$ -->
-        <module name="AbstractClassName">
-            <property name="format"         value="^Abstract.*$"/>
-            <property name="ignoreModifier" value="false"/>
-            <property name="ignoreName"     value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for class type parameter name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_naming.html#ClassTypeParameterName !-->
-        <module name="ClassTypeParameterName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[A-Z]$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for constant name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="ConstantName">
-            <property name="format"           value="^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$"/>
-            <property name="applyToPublic"    value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToProtected" value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPackage"   value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPrivate"   value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for local final variable name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="LocalFinalVariableName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="VARIABLE_DEF, PARAMETER_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for local variable name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="LocalVariableName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="PARAMETER_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for member variable name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="MemberName">
-            <property name="format"           value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-            <property name="applyToPublic"    value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToProtected" value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPackage"   value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPrivate"   value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for method name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="MethodName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for method type parameter name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_naming.html#MethodTypeParameterName !-->
-        <module name="MethodTypeParameterName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[A-Z]$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for package name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="PackageName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[a-z]+(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for parameter name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="ParameterName">
-            <property name="format" value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for static variable name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <module name="StaticVariableName">
-            <property name="format"           value="^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-            <property name="applyToPublic"    value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToProtected" value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPackage"   value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPrivate"   value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for type name naming conventions. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_naming.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER: modded -->
-        <module name="TypeName">
-            <property name="format"           value="^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-            <property name="tokens"           value="CLASS_DEF"/>
-            <property name="applyToPublic"    value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToProtected" value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPackage"   value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPrivate"   value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <module name="TypeName">
-            <property name="format"           value="^I[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
-            <property name="tokens"           value="INTERFACE_DEF"/>
-            <property name="applyToPublic"    value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToProtected" value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPackage"   value="true"/>
-            <property name="applyToPrivate"   value="true"/>
-        </module>
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     R E G E X P
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- A check that makes sure that a specified pattern exists, exists less than a set number of times, !-->
-        <!-- or does not exist in the file. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_misc.html#Regexp !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="Regexp">
-            <property name="format"         value=""/>
-            <property name="message"        value=""/>
-            <property name="illegalPattern" value="false"/>
-            <property name="duplicateLimit" value="-1"/>
-            <property name="errorLimit"     value="100"/>
-            <property name="ignoreComments" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- This class is variation on RegexpSingleline for detecting single lines that match a !-->
-        <!-- supplied regular expression in Java files. It supports suppressing matches in Java comments. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_regexp.html#RegexpSinglelineJava !-->
-        <!-- Default: OFF
-        <module name="RegexpSinglelineJava">
-            <property name="format"         value=""/>
-            <property name="message"        value=""/>
-            <property name="ignoreCase"     value="false"/>
-            <property name="minimum"        value="0"/>
-            <property name="maximum"        value="0"/>
-            <property name="ignoreComments" value="false"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     S I Z E   V I O L A T I O N S
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks for long anonymous inner classes. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_sizes.html !-->
-        <module name="AnonInnerLength">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max" value="20"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Restricts the number of executable statements to a specified limit. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_sizes.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off
-        <module name="ExecutableStatementCount">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max"    value="30"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="CTOR_DEF, METHOD_DEF, INSTANCE_INIT, STATIC_INIT"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_sizes.html !-->
-        <!-- Checks for long lines. !-->
-        <module name="LineLength">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="ignorePattern" value="^$"/>
-            <property name="max"           value="165"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the number of methods declared in each type. This includes the number of each scope !-->
-        <!-- (private, package, protected and public) as well as an overall total. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_sizes.html#MethodCount !-->
-        <module name="MethodCount">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="maxTotal"     value="100"/>
-            <property name="maxPrivate"   value="100"/>
-            <property name="maxPackage"   value="100"/>
-            <property name="maxProtected" value="100"/>
-            <property name="maxPublic"    value="100"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for long methods and constructors. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_sizes.html !-->
-        <module name="MethodLength">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max"        value="150"/>
-            <property name="countEmpty" value="true"/>
-            <property name="tokens"     value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks for the number of types declared at the outer (or root) level in a file. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_sizes.html#OuterTypeNumber !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER 2 !-->
-        <module name="OuterTypeNumber">
-            <property name="max" value="2"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the number of parameters of a method or constructor. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_sizes.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER off
-        <module name="ParameterNumber">
-            <property name="severity" value="info"/>
-            <property name="max"    value="7"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
-        </module>
-        !-->
-        <!--
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !
-         !     W H I T E S P A C E
-         !________________________________________________________________________________________
-         !-->
-        <!-- Checks the padding of an empty for initializer. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="EmptyForInitializerPad">
-            <property name="option" value="nospace"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the padding of an empty for iterator. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="EmptyForIteratorPad">
-            <property name="option" value="nospace"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that the whitespace around the Generic tokens < and > is correct to the typical convention. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_whitespace.html#GenericWhitespace !-->
-        <module name="GenericWhitespace"/>
-        <!-- Checks the padding between the identifier of a method definition, !-->
-        <!-- constructor definition, method call, or constructor invocation; and the left parenthesis of the parameter list. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="MethodParamPad">
-            <property name="allowLineBreaks" value="false"/>
-            <property name="option"          value="nospace"/>
-            <property name="tokens"          value="CTOR_DEF, LITERAL_NEW, METHOD_CALL, METHOD_DEF, SUPER_CTOR_CALL "/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that there is no whitespace after a token. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <!-- KIEKER removed ARRAY_INIT !-->
-        <module name="NoWhitespaceAfter">
-            <property name="allowLineBreaks" value="true"/>
-            <property name="tokens"          value="BNOT, DEC, DOT, INC, LNOT, UNARY_MINUS, UNARY_PLUS"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that there is no whitespace before a token. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="NoWhitespaceBefore">
-            <property name="allowLineBreaks" value="false"/>
-            <property name="tokens"          value="SEMI, POST_DEC, POST_INC"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the policy on how to wrap lines on operators. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="OperatorWrap">
-            <property name="option" value="nl"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="BAND, BOR, BSR, BXOR, COLON, DIV,
-                                           EQUAL, GE, GT, LAND, LE, LITERAL_INSTANCEOF,
-                                           LOR, LT, MINUS, MOD, NOT_EQUAL,
-                                           PLUS, QUESTION, SL, SR, STAR"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the policy on the padding of parentheses. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="ParenPad">
-            <property name="option" value="nospace"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="CTOR_CALL, LPAREN, METHOD_CALL, RPAREN, SUPER_CTOR_CALL"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks the policy on the padding of parentheses for typecasts. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="TypecastParenPad">
-            <property name="option" value="nospace"/>
-            <property name="tokens" value="TYPECAST, RPAREN"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that a token is followed by whitespace. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="WhitespaceAfter">
-            <property name="tokens" value="COMMA, SEMI, TYPECAST"/>
-        </module>
-        <!-- Checks that a token is surrounded by whitespace. !-->
-        <!-- See http://checkstyle.sf.net/config_whitespace.html !-->
-        <module name="WhitespaceAround">
-            <property name="tokens" value="ASSIGN, BAND, BAND_ASSIGN, BOR, BOR_ASSIGN, BSR, BSR_ASSIGN,
-                                           BXOR, BXOR_ASSIGN, COLON, DIV, DIV_ASSIGN, EQUAL, GE, GT, LAND,
-                                           LE, LITERAL_ASSERT, LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE,
-                                           LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_RETURN,
-                                           LITERAL_SYNCHRONIZED, LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE, LOR, LT,
-                                           MINUS, MINUS_ASSIGN, MOD, MOD_ASSIGN, NOT_EQUAL, PLUS, PLUS_ASSIGN,
-                                           QUESTION, SL, SLIST, SL_ASSIGN, SR, SR_ASSIGN, STAR, STAR_ASSIGN"/>
-            <property name="allowEmptyConstructors" value="true"/>
-            <property name="allowEmptyMethods"      value="true"/>
-        </module>
+    <module name="IllegalCatch"/>
+    <module name="IllegalInstantiation">
+      <property name="classes" value="java.lang.Boolean"/>
+    <module name="IllegalThrows"/>
+    <module name="IllegalType">
+      <property name="tokens" value="PARAMETER_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF, METHOD_DEF"/>
+      <property name="illegalClassNames" value="java.util.GregorianCalendar, java.util.Hashtable,                                                             java.util.HashSet, java.util.HashMap, java.util.ArrayList,                                                             java.util.LinkedList, java.util.LinkedHashMap,                                                             java.util.LinkedHashSet, java.util.TreeSet,                                                             java.util.TreeMap, java.util.Vector"/>
+      <property name="format" value="XXX"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="InnerAssignment">
+      <property name="tokens" value="ASSIGN, BAND_ASSIGN, BOR_ASSIGN, BSR_ASSIGN, BXOR_ASSIGN,                                            DIV_ASSIGN, MINUS_ASSIGN, MOD_ASSIGN, PLUS_ASSIGN, SL_ASSIGN,                                            SR_ASSIGN, STAR_ASSIGN"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="JUnitTestCase"/>
+    <module name="MissingCtor"/>
+    <module name="MissingSwitchDefault"/>
+    <module name="ModifiedControlVariable"/>
+    <module name="MultipleVariableDeclarations"/>
+    <module name="NestedForDepth">
+      <property name="max" value="2"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="NestedIfDepth">
+      <property name="max" value="3"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="NestedTryDepth"/>
+    <module name="NoClone"/>
+    <module name="NoFinalizer"/>
+    <module name="OneStatementPerLine"/>
+    <module name="PackageDeclaration"/>
+    <module name="ParameterAssignment"/>
+    <module name="RedundantThrows">
+      <property name="allowUnchecked" value="true"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="RequireThis"/>
+    <module name="ReturnCount"/>
+    <module name="SimplifyBooleanExpression"/>
+    <module name="SimplifyBooleanReturn"/>
+    <module name="StringLiteralEquality"/>
+    <module name="SuperClone"/>
+    <module name="SuperFinalize"/>
+    <module name="UnnecessaryParentheses"/>
+    <module name="AvoidStarImport"/>
+    <module name="AvoidStaticImport"/>
+    <module name="IllegalImport">
+      <property name="illegalPkgs" value="org.apache.commons.logging"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="ImportOrder">
+      <property name="groups" value="java,javax,junit,org,com,kieker,org.primefaces,org.eclipse"/>
+      <property name="separated" value="true"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="RedundantImport"/>
+    <module name="UnusedImports"/>
+    <module name="JavadocMethod">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="JavadocStyle">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="INTERFACE_DEF, CLASS_DEF, METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF, VARIABLE_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="JavadocType">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="INTERFACE_DEF, CLASS_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="JavadocType">
+      <property name="severity" value="warning"/>
+      <property name="scope" value="package"/>
+      <property name="authorFormat" value="\S"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="JavadocVariable">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="scope" value="package"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="BooleanExpressionComplexity">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="LAND, BAND, LOR, BOR, BXOR"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="CyclomaticComplexity">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="JavaNCSS">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="NPathComplexity">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="ArrayTypeStyle"/>
+    <module name="FinalParameters">
+      <property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="Indentation">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="caseIndent" value="0"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="OuterTypeFilename"/>
+    <module name="TodoComment">
+      <property name="format" value="TODO"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="UncommentedMain">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="excludedClasses" value="Main$"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="UpperEll"/>
+    <module name="ModifierOrder"/>
+    <module name="AbstractClassName">
+      <property name="format" value="^Abstract.*$"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="ClassTypeParameterName"/>
+    <module name="ConstantName"/>
+    <module name="LocalFinalVariableName"/>
+    <module name="LocalVariableName">
+      <property name="tokens" value="PARAMETER_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="MemberName"/>
+    <module name="MethodName"/>
+    <module name="MethodTypeParameterName"/>
+    <module name="PackageName"/>
+    <module name="ParameterName"/>
+    <module name="StaticVariableName"/>
+    <module name="TypeName">
+      <property name="tokens" value="CLASS_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="TypeName">
+      <property name="format" value="^I[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="INTERFACE_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="AnonInnerLength">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="LineLength">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="max" value="165"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="MethodCount">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="MethodLength">
+      <property name="severity" value="info"/>
+      <property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="OuterTypeNumber">
+      <property name="max" value="2"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="EmptyForInitializerPad"/>
+    <module name="EmptyForIteratorPad"/>
+    <module name="GenericWhitespace"/>
+    <module name="MethodParamPad">
+      <property name="tokens" value="CTOR_DEF, LITERAL_NEW, METHOD_CALL, METHOD_DEF, SUPER_CTOR_CALL "/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="NoWhitespaceAfter">
+      <property name="tokens" value="BNOT, DEC, DOT, INC, LNOT, UNARY_MINUS, UNARY_PLUS"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="NoWhitespaceBefore">
+      <property name="tokens" value="SEMI, POST_DEC, POST_INC"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="OperatorWrap">
+      <property name="tokens" value="BAND, BOR, BSR, BXOR, COLON, DIV,                                            EQUAL, GE, GT, LAND, LE, LITERAL_INSTANCEOF,                                            LOR, LT, MINUS, MOD, NOT_EQUAL,                                            PLUS, QUESTION, SL, SR, STAR"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="ParenPad">
+      <property name="tokens" value="CTOR_CALL, LPAREN, METHOD_CALL, RPAREN, SUPER_CTOR_CALL"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="TypecastParenPad">
+      <property name="tokens" value="TYPECAST, RPAREN"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="WhitespaceAfter">
+      <property name="tokens" value="COMMA, SEMI, TYPECAST"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="WhitespaceAround">
+      <property name="tokens" value="ASSIGN, BAND, BAND_ASSIGN, BOR, BOR_ASSIGN, BSR, BSR_ASSIGN,                                            BXOR, BXOR_ASSIGN, COLON, DIV, DIV_ASSIGN, EQUAL, GE, GT, LAND,                                            LE, LITERAL_ASSERT, LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE,                                            LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_RETURN,                                            LITERAL_SYNCHRONIZED, LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE, LOR, LT,                                            MINUS, MINUS_ASSIGN, MOD, MOD_ASSIGN, NOT_EQUAL, PLUS, PLUS_ASSIGN,                                            QUESTION, SL, SLIST, SL_ASSIGN, SR, SR_ASSIGN, STAR, STAR_ASSIGN"/>
+      <property name="allowEmptyConstructors" value="true"/>
+      <property name="allowEmptyMethods" value="true"/>
+    </module>
+  </module>
+  <module name="SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter">
+    <property name="commentFormat" value="NOCS"/>
+  </module>
+  <module name="Header">
+    <property name="header" value="/***************************************************************************\n * Copyright 2012 Kieker Project (http://kieker-monitoring.net)\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n ***************************************************************************/\n"/>
+    <property name="ignoreLines" value="2"/>
+    <property name="fileExtensions" value="java"/>
+  </module>
+  <module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile">
+    <property name="fileExtensions" value="*.*"/>
+  </module>
+  <module name="Translation"/>
+  <module name="FileLength"/>
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/fb-filter.xml b/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/fb-filter.xml
index 0a7a6e1fac123c35a3453e5c8cd29b5178e1a2a9..1c7a80d428eb78b384b1b8e4a699ce61ef35140d 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/fb-filter.xml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/config/quality-config/fb-filter.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
       <Class name="kieker.webgui.persistence.impl.util.CloseableURLClassLoader" />
+	  <Bug code="DP, RI" />
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/common/ViewScope.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/common/ViewScope.java
index 652aa84f36dd2757f72de7c6ce5ff227b5db38f2..af0baa16eeee37b8a180d65aec6f31953d94070f 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/common/ViewScope.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/common/ViewScope.java
@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.Scope;
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
 public class ViewScope implements Scope {
+	/**
+	 * Default constructor. <b>Do not use this constructor. This bean is Spring managed.</b>
+	 */
+	public ViewScope() {
+		// No code necessary.
+	}
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/domain/User.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/domain/User.java
index e2a5a0b0137d8e4dedaca634819309e1650f6b27..cf8cc6ec94ba1afc67a26b08ffe0a99cbec027aa 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/domain/User.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/domain/User.java
@@ -16,18 +16,33 @@
 package kieker.webgui.domain;
-import java.util.List;
+ * This is a domain object representing a user within the system.
+ * 
+ * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
+ */
 public class User {
 	private String name;
 	private String password;
-	private List<Role> roles;
+	private Role role;
 	private boolean enabled;
-	public User(final String name, final String password, final List<Role> roles, final boolean enabled) {
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new instance of this class.
+	 * 
+	 * @param name
+	 *            The name of the user.
+	 * @param password
+	 *            The password of the user.
+	 * @param role
+	 *            The role of the user.
+	 * @param enabled
+	 *            A flag whether the user is enabled or not.
+	 */
+	public User(final String name, final String password, final Role role, final boolean enabled) {
 		this.name = name;
-		this.roles = roles;
+		this.role = role;
 		this.enabled = enabled;
 		this.password = password;
@@ -71,22 +86,22 @@ public class User {
-	 * Getter for the property {@link User#roles}.
+	 * Getter for the property {@link User#role}.
 	 * @return The current value of the property.
-	public List<Role> getRoles() {
-		return this.roles;
+	public Role getRole() {
+		return this.role;
-	 * Setter for the property {@link User#roles}.
+	 * Setter for the property {@link User#role}.
-	 * @param roles
+	 * @param role
 	 *            The new value of the property.
-	public void setRoles(final List<Role> roles) {
-		this.roles = roles;
+	public void setRole(final Role role) {
+		this.role = role;
@@ -108,30 +123,68 @@ public class User {
 		this.enabled = enabled;
+	/**
+	 * This enum represents the available roles within this systen.
+	 * 
+	 * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
+	 */
 	public static enum Role {
+		/**
+		 * Represents a guest within the system.
+		 */
+		/**
+		 * Represents an user within the system.
+		 */
+		ROLE_USER(1),
+		/**
+		 * Represents an admin within the system.
+		 */
 		private int id;
+		/**
+		 * Creates a new instance of this enum.
+		 * 
+		 * @param id
+		 *            The id of the role.
+		 */
 		private Role(final int id) {
 			this.id = id;
+		/**
+		 * Getter for the property {@link Role#id}.
+		 * 
+		 * @return The current value of the property.
+		 */
 		public int getID() {
 			return this.id;
+		/**
+		 * Delivers the corresponding role to the given id. if the id cannot be recognized the value {@link Role#ROLE_GUEST} will be returned.
+		 * 
+		 * @param id
+		 *            The id to be recognized.
+		 * @return The corresponding role.
+		 */
 		public static Role fromID(final int id) {
+			final Role role;
 			if (id == 2) {
-				return Role.ROLE_ADMIN;
+				role = Role.ROLE_ADMIN;
 			} else {
 				if (id == 1) {
-					return Role.ROLE_USER;
+					role = Role.ROLE_USER;
 				} else {
-					return Role.ROLE_GUEST;
+					role = Role.ROLE_GUEST;
+			return role;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IProjectDAO.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IProjectDAO.java
index 4c5702e66723e3d7d4485d76b3e2d58b04de944e..3468746a11894fc3f3922438616fc13474416728 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IProjectDAO.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IProjectDAO.java
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
-import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
 import kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.MIDependency;
 import kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.MIProject;
@@ -37,9 +36,10 @@ import kieker.webgui.common.exception.ProjectNotExistingException;
 import org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile;
+ * This is the interface for the data access object(s) which will access for example the file system to manage the available projects.
+ * 
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
-// FIXME The transactional annotations do not work yet.
 public interface IProjectDAO {
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @throws IOException
 	 *             If something went wrong during the creation of the project.
-	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
-	@Transactional
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public abstract void addProject(String projectName) throws ProjectAlreadyExistingException, IOException;
@@ -72,8 +71,7 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @throws IOException
 	 *             If something went wrong during the creation of the target-project or during the loading of the source-project.
-	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
-	@Transactional
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public abstract void copyProject(String originalProjectName, String newProjectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException, ProjectAlreadyExistingException,
@@ -89,7 +87,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 *             If something went wrong during the opening of the project.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract MIProject openProject(String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException;
@@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 *             If something went wrong during the opening of the project. This can also mean that the given {@link ClassAndMethodContainer} is somehow invalid.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract Object openProject(String projectName, ClassAndMethodContainer classAndMethodContainer) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException;
@@ -131,8 +127,7 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @throws NewerProjectException
 	 *             If the project on the file system is newer and the overwriteNewerProject-flag has not been set.
-	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
-	@Transactional
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public abstract void saveProject(String projectName, MIProject project, long timeStamp, boolean overwriteNewerProject) throws
 			ProjectNotExistingException, IOException, NewerProjectException;
@@ -146,7 +141,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 *             If a project with the given name does not exist.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract long getCurrTimeStamp(String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException;
@@ -163,8 +157,7 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @throws LibraryAlreadyExistingException
 	 *             If a library with the same name exists already.
-	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
-	@Transactional
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public abstract void uploadLibrary(UploadedFile file, String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException, LibraryAlreadyExistingException;
@@ -172,6 +165,8 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @param projectName
 	 *            The name of the project.
+	 * @param requester
+	 *            The requester of the classloader.
 	 * @return A class loader for the given project.
 	 * @throws ProjectNotExistingException
 	 *             If a project with the given name does not exist.
@@ -179,7 +174,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 *             If something went wrong during the initialization of the class loader.
-	@Transactional
 	public ClassLoader getClassLoader(final String projectName, final Object requester) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException;
@@ -192,7 +186,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 *             If a project with the given name does not exist.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract List<String> listAllLibraries(String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException;
@@ -201,7 +194,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @return A list containing all available project names.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract Collection<String> listAllProjects();
@@ -216,7 +208,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 *             If the URL is for some reason invalid.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract URL getURL(MIDependency lib, String project) throws MalformedURLException;
@@ -225,7 +216,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @return The kieker library.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract URL getKiekerURL();
@@ -236,7 +226,6 @@ public interface IProjectDAO {
 	 * @return The kax-file of the project.
-	@Transactional
 	public abstract File getProjectFile(String projectName);
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IUserDAO.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IUserDAO.java
index b6236f1083b5040a49b1de9209c4a2aa5ed4ba78..a8b3881ba163e7f05866f4c8733b8b59fe4db6d5 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IUserDAO.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/IUserDAO.java
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import java.util.List;
 import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
+import kieker.webgui.common.exception.DataAccessException;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User;
-import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
  * This is the interface for the data access object(s) which will access for example a database to manage the available users. The methods within this interface are
@@ -31,16 +31,51 @@ import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
 public interface IUserDAO {
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	public void addUser(final String username, final String password, final List<Role> roles);
+	/**
+	 * Adds a user to the system.
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The domain object used to extract the necessary data to create the user.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If it was not possible to add the user to the system. Either because a constraint was violated or because the connection to the database has
+	 *             somehow been damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void addUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException;
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	public void removeUser(final String username);
+	/**
+	 * Deletes a user from the system.
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The domain object used to extract the necessary data to delete the user.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If it was not possible to delete the user. Either because a constraint was violated or because the connection to the database has somehow been
+	 *             damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void deleteUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException;
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	public void editUser(final String username, final String password, final Role... roles);
+	/**
+	 * Edits a given user. If the password field of the given domain object is empty, the password won't be changed. If it is filled, it will be changed.
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The domain object used to extract the necessary data to edit the user.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If it was not possible to edit the user. Either because a constraint was violated or because the connection to the database has somehow been
+	 *             damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void editUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException;
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	public List<User> getUsers();
+	/**
+	 * Delivers a list containing the available users within the system. The password fields of the returned domain objects will be empty. The list is always a copy
+	 * and can be modified at will.
+	 * 
+	 * @return A list with the available users.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If something went wrong during the reading. This happens probably if the connection to the database has somehow been damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public List<User> getUsers() throws DataAccessException;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/DerbyUserDAOImpl.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/DerbyUserDAOImpl.java
index 9f5ca3df144f6c9be8a31827e7581a3cf3cff397..b7756edaca38f509930d626f8c6a049f1f8839b0 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/DerbyUserDAOImpl.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/DerbyUserDAOImpl.java
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import java.sql.ResultSet;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
 import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
 import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
@@ -33,23 +31,25 @@ import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;
 import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
-import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
 import kieker.common.logging.Log;
 import kieker.common.logging.LogFactory;
+import kieker.webgui.common.exception.DataAccessException;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
 import kieker.webgui.persistence.IUserDAO;
+ * An implementation of the {@link IUserDAO} interface, which uses Apache Derby to store and manage the available users. A transaction manager is not necessary, as
+ * all of the used commands are atomic (except for the getUsers() method, which is read only though).
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
-// FIXME The transactional annotations do not work yet.
 public class DerbyUserDAOImpl implements IUserDAO {
 	private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DerbyUserDAOImpl.class);
 	private DataSource dataSource;
 	private Connection connection;
@@ -62,43 +62,54 @@ public class DerbyUserDAOImpl implements IUserDAO {
-	 * This method initializes the object.. <b>Do not call this method manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
+	 * This method initializes the object. <b>Do not call this method manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
 	 * @throws SQLException
-	 *             If something went wrong during the initialization
+	 *             If something went wrong during the initialization.
 	public void initialize() throws SQLException {
 		this.connection = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(this.dataSource);
+	/**
+	 * This method "destroys" the object by closing the connection to the database. <b>Do not call this method manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
+	 * 
+	 * @throws SQLException
+	 *             If something went wrong during the initialization.
+	 */
 	public void destroy() throws SQLException {
+	/*
+	 * (non-Javadoc)
+	 * 
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IserDAO#addUser(user)
+	 */
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void addUser(final String username, final String password, final List<Role> roles) {
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void addUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException {
 		PreparedStatement userCmd = null;
-		PreparedStatement roleCmd = null;
 		try {
-			userCmd = this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO KIEKERUser (name, password, enabled) VALUES (?, ?, True)");
-			roleCmd = this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Userroles (name, role) VALUES (?, ?)");
+			userCmd = this.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Users (name, password, isGuest, isUser, isAdministrator, isEnabled) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
-			userCmd.setString(1, username);
-			userCmd.setString(2, password);
-			userCmd.execute();
+			// Use all properties of the given object
+			userCmd.setString(1, user.getName());
+			userCmd.setString(2, user.getPassword());
+			userCmd.setBoolean(3, user.getRole() == Role.ROLE_GUEST);
+			userCmd.setBoolean(4, user.getRole() == Role.ROLE_USER);
+			userCmd.setBoolean(5, user.getRole() == Role.ROLE_ADMIN);
+			userCmd.setBoolean(6, user.isEnabled());
-			roleCmd.setString(1, username);
-			for (final Role role : roles) {
-				roleCmd.setInt(2, role.getID());
-				roleCmd.execute();
-			}
+			// Run the command
+			userCmd.execute();
 		} catch (final SQLException ex) {
-			DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not add user to the database.", ex);
+			// Something went wrong. Inform the calling method.
+			throw new DataAccessException("Could not add user to the database.", ex);
 		} finally {
+			// Try to close the statement. If that doesn't work then log it, but it is not necessary to inform the calling method.
 			if (userCmd != null) {
 				try {
@@ -106,9 +117,32 @@ public class DerbyUserDAOImpl implements IUserDAO {
 					DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not close prepared statement.", ex);
-			if (roleCmd != null) {
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * (non-Javadoc)
+	 * 
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IserDAO#deleteUser(user)
+	 */
+	@Override
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void deleteUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException {
+		PreparedStatement delCmd = null;
+		try {
+			delCmd = this.connection.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM Users WHERE name=?");
+			delCmd.setString(1, user.getName());
+			delCmd.execute();
+		} catch (final SQLException ex) {
+			// Something went wrong. Inform the calling method.
+			throw new DataAccessException("Could not delete user from the database.", ex);
+		} finally {
+			// Try to close the statement. If that doesn't work then log it, but it is not necessary to inform the calling method.
+			if (delCmd != null) {
 				try {
-					roleCmd.close();
+					delCmd.close();
 				} catch (final SQLException ex) {
 					DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not close prepared statement.", ex);
@@ -116,60 +150,83 @@ public class DerbyUserDAOImpl implements IUserDAO {
+	/*
+	 * (non-Javadoc)
+	 * 
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IserDAO#editUser(user)
+	 */
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void removeUser(final String username) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void editUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException {
+		PreparedStatement updateCmd = null;
+		try {
+			// Choose the right update command, depending on whether the password has to be changed or not
+			if (user.getPassword() == null) {
+				updateCmd = this.connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE Users SET name=?, isGuest=?, isUser=?, isAdministrator=?, isEnabled=? WHERE name=?");
+			} else {
+				// In this case we have to set the password as well
+				updateCmd = this.connection
+						.prepareStatement("UPDATE Users SET name=?, isGuest=?, isUser=?, isAdministrator=?, isEnabled=?, password=? WHERE name=?");
+				updateCmd.setString(6, user.getPassword());
+			}
-	}
+			// Set the other values
+			updateCmd.setString(1, user.getName());
+			updateCmd.setBoolean(2, user.getRole() == Role.ROLE_GUEST);
+			updateCmd.setBoolean(3, user.getRole() == Role.ROLE_USER);
+			updateCmd.setBoolean(4, user.getRole() == Role.ROLE_ADMIN);
+			updateCmd.setBoolean(5, user.isEnabled());
-	@Override
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void editUser(final String username, final String password, final Role... roles) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+			// Run the command
+			updateCmd.execute();
+		} catch (final SQLException ex) {
+			throw new DataAccessException("Could not update user within the database.", ex);
+		} finally {
+			// Try to close the statement. If that doesn't work then log it, but it is not necessary to inform the calling method.
+			if (updateCmd != null) {
+				try {
+					updateCmd.close();
+				} catch (final SQLException ex) {
+					DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not close prepared statement.", ex);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	/*
+	 * (non-Javadoc)
+	 * 
+	 * @see List<User> kieker.webgui.persistence.getUsers()
+	 */
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional(readOnly = true)
-	public List<User> getUsers() {
-		// FIXME Users without roles
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public List<User> getUsers() throws DataAccessException {
 		final List<User> result = new ArrayList<User>();
 		ResultSet queryResult = null;
+		PreparedStatement getQuery = null;
 		try {
-			final Map<String, User> tempMap = new TreeMap<String, User>();
-			final PreparedStatement getQuery = this.connection
-					.prepareStatement("select u.name, ur.role, u.enabled from KIEKERUser u, Userroles ur where u.name=ur.name");
+			getQuery = this.connection.prepareStatement("SELECT name, isGuest, isUser, isAdministrator, isEnabled FROM Users");
 			// Run through all results
 			queryResult = getQuery.executeQuery();
 			while (queryResult.next()) {
-				// Get both the username and the role from the current entry
 				final String username = queryResult.getString(1);
-				final int roleID = queryResult.getInt(2);
-				final Role role = Role.fromID(roleID);
-				final boolean enabled = queryResult.getBoolean(3);
-				// If the user doesn't exist in our map yet, add him.
-				// In each case we add the role to the user
-				if (tempMap.containsKey(username)) {
-					tempMap.get(username).getRoles().add(role);
-				} else {
-					final List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>();
-					roles.add(role);
-					tempMap.put(username, new User(username, null, roles, enabled));
-				}
-			}
+				final boolean isGuest = queryResult.getBoolean(2);
+				final boolean isUser = queryResult.getBoolean(3);
+				final boolean isAdministrator = queryResult.getBoolean(4);
+				final boolean isEnabled = queryResult.getBoolean(5);
+				// The case that the user has no role cannot happen, as the database should make sure that this is not possible
+				final Role role = isAdministrator ? Role.ROLE_ADMIN : (isUser ? Role.ROLE_USER : (isGuest ? Role.ROLE_GUEST : null)); // NOPMD (Null assigning)
-			// Now convert the map to the list
-			result.addAll(tempMap.values());
+				result.add(new User(username, null, role, isEnabled));
+			}
 		} catch (final SQLException ex) {
 			DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not receive user list.", ex);
 		} finally {
+			// Try to close the everything. If that doesn't work then log it, but it is not necessary to inform the calling method.
 			try {
 				if (queryResult != null) {
@@ -177,6 +234,13 @@ public class DerbyUserDAOImpl implements IUserDAO {
 			} catch (final SQLException ex) {
 				DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not close query result.", ex);
+			if (getQuery != null) {
+				try {
+					getQuery.close();
+				} catch (final SQLException ex) {
+					DerbyUserDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not close prepared statement.", ex);
+				}
+			}
 		return result;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/FSProjectDAOImpl.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/FSProjectDAOImpl.java
index 84d5ad5c4978dc7625ce2136f559e356c468455a..e13bd892f9e0fdb5ea5509ea48be7af3a2ece5a9 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/FSProjectDAOImpl.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/FSProjectDAOImpl.java
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
+import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
 import org.springframework.util.WeakReferenceMonitor;
 import org.springframework.util.WeakReferenceMonitor.ReleaseListener;
@@ -61,12 +62,15 @@ import kieker.webgui.persistence.impl.util.CloseableURLClassLoader;
 import org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile;
+ * This is an implementation of the {@link IProjectDAO} interface, which uses the file system to store the available projects and everything.
+ * 
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
 public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FSProjectDAOImpl.class);
 	private static final String KAX_EXTENSION = "kax";
 	private static final String LIB_EXTENSION = "jar";
 	private static final String LIB_DIRECTORY = "lib";
@@ -91,16 +95,19 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
-	 * This method initializes the class.
+	 * This method initializes the object. <b>Do not call this method manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
+	 * 
+	 * @throws IOException
+	 *             If the creation of the necessary directories failed.
-	public void initialize() {
+	public void initialize() throws IOException {
 		// Check for our root-directory and create it if necessary
 		final File rootDir = new File(FSProjectDAOImpl.ROOT_DIRECTORY);
 		if (!rootDir.exists()) {
 			final boolean result = rootDir.mkdir();
 			if (!result) {
-				FSProjectDAOImpl.LOG.error("Could not create root directory.");
+				throw new IOException("Could not create root directory.");
@@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#addProject(java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public void addProject(final String projectName) throws ProjectAlreadyExistingException, IOException {
 		// Assemble all necessary paths and files for the given project
 		final File projectDir = this.assembleProjectDir(projectName);
@@ -156,6 +164,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#copyProject(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public void copyProject(final String originalProjectName, final String newProjectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException, ProjectAlreadyExistingException,
 			IOException {
 		// Get the necessary paths
@@ -206,6 +215,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#openProject(java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public MIProject openProject(final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException {
 		if (projectName == null) {
 			throw new IOException("Project is null");
@@ -225,6 +235,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#openProject(java.lang.String, kieker.webgui.common.ClassAndMethodContainer)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public Object openProject(final String projectName, final ClassAndMethodContainer classAndMethodContainer) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException {
 		if (projectName == null) {
 			throw new IOException("Project is null");
@@ -247,6 +258,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#saveProject(java.lang.String, kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.MIProject, long, boolean)
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public void saveProject(final String projectName, final MIProject project, final long timeStamp, final boolean overwriteNewerProject) throws
 			ProjectNotExistingException, IOException, NewerProjectException {
 		// Check whether the project exists
@@ -270,6 +282,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#getCurrTimeStamp(java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public long getCurrTimeStamp(final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException {
 		// Check whether the project exists
 		if (!this.projectExists(projectName)) {
@@ -284,6 +297,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#uploadLibrary(org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile, java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')")
 	public void uploadLibrary(final UploadedFile file, final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException, LibraryAlreadyExistingException {
 		// Check whether the project exists
 		if (!this.projectExists(projectName)) {
@@ -345,6 +359,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#getClassLoader(java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public ClassLoader getClassLoader(final String projectName, final Object requester) throws ProjectNotExistingException, IOException {
 		// Check whether the project exists
 		if (!this.projectExists(projectName)) {
@@ -362,7 +377,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 			for (final File file : files) {
 				if (file.getName().endsWith("." + FSProjectDAOImpl.LIB_EXTENSION)) {
 					try {
-						libs.add(file.toURL());
+						libs.add(file.toURI().toURL());
 					} catch (final MalformedURLException ex) {
@@ -390,6 +405,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#listAllLibraries(java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public List<String> listAllLibraries(final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException {
 		// Check whether the project exists
 		if (!this.projectExists(projectName)) {
@@ -417,6 +433,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#listAllProjects()
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public Collection<String> listAllProjects() {
 		final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
@@ -525,10 +542,11 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#getURL(kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.MIDependency, java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public URL getURL(final MIDependency lib, final String project) throws MalformedURLException {
 		final File file = new File(FSProjectDAOImpl.ROOT_DIRECTORY + File.separator + project + File.separator + FSProjectDAOImpl.LIB_DIRECTORY + File.separator
 				+ lib.getFilePath());
-		return file.toURL();
+		return file.toURI().toURL();
@@ -570,6 +588,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#getKiekerURL()
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public URL getKiekerURL() {
 		return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(FSProjectDAOImpl.KIEKER_LIB);
@@ -580,6 +599,7 @@ public class FSProjectDAOImpl implements IProjectDAO, ReleaseListener {
 	 * @see kieker.webgui.persistence.IProjectDAO#getProjectFile(java.lang.String)
+	@PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()")
 	public File getProjectFile(final String projectName) {
 		return this.assembleKaxFile(projectName);
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/util/CloseableURLClassLoader.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/util/CloseableURLClassLoader.java
index 8da748bd8a69d0b8008ab87bcc94951a6f875750..e20604da4a4f0813ed314669b19a4b815f8d556a 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/util/CloseableURLClassLoader.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/persistence/impl/util/CloseableURLClassLoader.java
@@ -22,16 +22,21 @@ import java.net.URLClassLoader;
 import java.util.Collection;
- * A class loader which extends the {@link URLClassLoader} with a close-method using a hack. This will probably only work for a Sun VM.
+ * A class loader which extends the {@link URLClassLoader} with a close-method using a hack. This will probably only work for a Sun VM. The class itself will
+ * partially <b>not</b> be checked by Findbugs (there is an exception-rule in the configuration-file) as I <b>know</b> that the code is dangerous. It is a hack after
+ * all.
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
 public class CloseableURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader implements Closeable {
-	/*
-	 * (non-Javadoc)
+	/**
+	 * Creates a new instance of this class using the given parameters.
-	 * @see URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader)
+	 * @param urls
+	 *            The URLs to be used by the classloader.
+	 * @param parent
+	 *            The parent of this classloader.
 	public CloseableURLClassLoader(final URL[] urls, final ClassLoader parent) {
 		super(urls, parent);
@@ -53,6 +58,7 @@ public class CloseableURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader implements Closeable
 			final java.lang.reflect.Field loaders = sunMiscURLClassPath.getClass().getDeclaredField("loaders");
+			// Run through all available loaders and try to close them
 			final Object javaUtilCollection = loaders.get(sunMiscURLClassPath);
 			for (final Object sunMiscURLClassPathJarLoader : ((Collection<?>) javaUtilCollection).toArray()) {
 				try {
@@ -60,11 +66,11 @@ public class CloseableURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader implements Closeable
 					final Object javaUtilIarJarFile = loader.get(sunMiscURLClassPathJarLoader);
 					((java.util.jar.JarFile) javaUtilIarJarFile).close();
-				} catch (final Throwable t) {
+				} catch (final Throwable t) { // NOCS, NOPMD (Catch of Throwable)
 					// if we got this far, this is probably not a JAR loader so skip it
-		} catch (final Throwable ex) {
+		} catch (final Throwable ex) { // NOCS, NOPMD (Catch of Throwable)
 			// probably not a SUN VM
 			throw new IOException("Not a Sun VM.", ex);
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IProjectService.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IProjectService.java
index e47fae9d0e178e76739b9a5b707df5325659e1bb..fc30376a0b4f9345f32f8a19a708b7638f695acf 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IProjectService.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IProjectService.java
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ public interface IProjectService {
 	 * @param projectName
 	 *            The name of the project.
+	 * @param requester
+	 *            The requester of the class loader.
 	 * @return A class loader for the given project.
 	 * @throws ProjectNotExistingException
 	 *             If a project with the given name does not exist.
@@ -331,10 +333,8 @@ public interface IProjectService {
 	 * @param projectName
 	 *            The name of the project whose state have to be returned.
 	 * @return The state of the given project, if available. {@code null} otherwise.
-	 * @throws ProjectNotExistingException
-	 *             If a project with the given name does not exist.
-	public STATE getCurrentState(final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException;
+	public STATE getCurrentState(final String projectName);
 	 * This method delivers the available log entries of the analysis controller of the given project.
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IUserService.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IUserService.java
index 0623c8ae0b7cd1f69828fb41b447ed086ba7aa2b..e5820f2c405f5581620409b30cd242e13054996a 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IUserService.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/IUserService.java
@@ -18,30 +18,63 @@ package kieker.webgui.service;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
-import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
+import kieker.webgui.common.exception.DataAccessException;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User;
-import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
+ * This is an interface to the service which can be used to manage the available users within the system. The methods within this interface are only accessible by
+ * administrators.
+ * 
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
 public interface IUserService {
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void addUser(final String username, final String password, final List<Role> roles);
+	/**
+	 * Adds a user to the system.
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The domain object used to extract the necessary data to create the user.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If it was not possible to add the user to the system. Either because a constraint was violated or because the connection to the database has
+	 *             somehow been damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void addUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException;
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void removeUser(final String username);
+	/**
+	 * Deletes a user from the system.
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The domain object used to extract the necessary data to delete the user.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If it was not possible to delete the user. Either because a constraint was violated or because the connection to the database has somehow been
+	 *             damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void deleteUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException;
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void editUser(final String username, final String password, final Role... roles);
+	/**
+	 * Edits a given user. If the password field of the given domain object is empty, the password won't be changed. If it is filled, it will be changed.
+	 * 
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The domain object used to extract the necessary data to edit the user.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If it was not possible to edit the user. Either because a constraint was violated or because the connection to the database has somehow been
+	 *             damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void editUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException;
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public List<User> getUsers();
+	/**
+	 * Delivers a list containing the available users within the system. The password fields of the returned domain objects will be empty. The list is always a copy
+	 * and can be modified at will.
+	 * 
+	 * @return A list with the available users.
+	 * @throws DataAccessException
+	 *             If something went wrong during the reading. This happens probably if the connection to the database has somehow been damaged.
+	 */
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public List<User> getUsers() throws DataAccessException;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/ProjectServiceImpl.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/ProjectServiceImpl.java
index 863fa7888223299e1720d8a1b5038eee01ac2ec0..c156a6ca4d9951bbd3b93f829b7ec5ed55ea8ec2 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/ProjectServiceImpl.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/ProjectServiceImpl.java
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ public final class ProjectServiceImpl implements IProjectService {
-	public STATE getCurrentState(final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException {
+	public STATE getCurrentState(final String projectName) {
 		final Object analysisLock = this.getLock(projectName, this.analysesLocks);
 		synchronized (analysisLock) {
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/UserServiceImpl.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/UserServiceImpl.java
index d8db0c941d6c4bec8afba2019b8b89c46828e1d0..23ac51187abc4c73ef90e7ca95936d3c248cc676 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/UserServiceImpl.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/UserServiceImpl.java
@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ import java.util.List;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.security.access.prepost.PreAuthorize;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
-import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
+import kieker.webgui.common.exception.DataAccessException;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User;
-import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
 import kieker.webgui.persistence.IUserDAO;
 import kieker.webgui.service.IUserService;
+ * This is an implementation of the {@link IUserService} interface. The work will be delegated to the underlying data access object.
+ * 
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
@@ -36,66 +37,55 @@ public class UserServiceImpl implements IUserService {
 	private IUserDAO userDAO;
-	public UserServiceImpl() {
-		// No code necessary
-	}
-	 * Setter for the property {@link UserServiceImpl#userDAO}.
-	 * 
-	 * @param userDAO
-	 *            The new value of the property.
+	 * Default constructor. <b>Do not use this constructor. This bean is Spring managed.</b>
-	public void setUserDAO(final IUserDAO userDAO) {
-		this.userDAO = userDAO;
+	public UserServiceImpl() {
+		// No code necessary
 	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#addUser(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List)
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#addUser(kieker.webgui.domain.User)
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void addUser(final String username, final String password, final List<Role> roles) {
-		this.userDAO.addUser(username, password, roles);
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void addUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException {
+		this.userDAO.addUser(user);
 	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#removeUser(java.lang.String)
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#getUsers()
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void removeUser(final String username) {
-		this.userDAO.removeUser(username);
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public List<User> getUsers() throws DataAccessException {
+		return this.userDAO.getUsers();
 	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#editUser(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role[])
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#deleteUser(kieker.webgui.domain.User)
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public void editUser(final String username, final String password, final Role... roles) {
-		this.userDAO.editUser(username, password, roles);
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void deleteUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException {
+		this.userDAO.deleteUser(user);
 	 * (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#getUsers()
+	 * @see kieker.webgui.service.IUserService#editUser(kieker.webgui.domain.User)
-	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
-	@Transactional
-	public List<User> getUsers() {
-		return this.userDAO.getUsers();
+	@PreAuthorize("hasRole('Administrator')")
+	public void editUser(final User user) throws DataAccessException {
+		this.userDAO.editUser(user);
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/util/ACManager.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/util/ACManager.java
index 86f5d42d164209079e6ac248217d74f6cb4c9be8..a9addbe3fee38a5bbe92495e051cf263919ffefb 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/util/ACManager.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/service/impl/util/ACManager.java
@@ -51,15 +51,6 @@ public final class ACManager {
 		// No code necessary.
-	/**
-	 * The setter for the property {@link ACManager#projectDAO}. <b>Do not use this method. This property is Spring managed.</b>
-	 * 
-	 * @param projectDAO
-	 */
-	public void setProjectDAO(final IProjectDAO projectDAO) {
-		this.projectDAO = projectDAO;
-	}
 	 * This method initializes the analysis for the given project.
@@ -203,41 +194,36 @@ public final class ACManager {
-	 * This method delivers the current state of the analysis, if it is available, an exception otherwise.
+	 * This method delivers the current state of the analysis, if it is available, null otherwise.
 	 * @param projectName
 	 *            The name of the project.
 	 * @return The state of the given project.
-	 * @throws ProjectNotExistingException
-	 *             If a project with the given name does not exist.
-	public STATE getCurrentState(final String projectName) throws ProjectNotExistingException {
-		// The analysis for the given project must exist!
-		if (!this.analyses.containsKey(projectName)) {
-			throw new ProjectNotExistingException("The analysis has not been initialized yet.");
-		}
+	public STATE getCurrentState(final String projectName) {
+		STATE retState = null;
-		final Analysis analysis = this.analyses.get(projectName);
-		final Enum<?> state = analysis.getCurrentState();
-		if (state == null) {
-			throw new ProjectNotExistingException("Unknown state.");
-		}
-		if (STATE.FAILED.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
-			return STATE.FAILED;
-		}
-		if (STATE.READY.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
-			return STATE.READY;
-		}
-		if (STATE.RUNNING.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
-			return STATE.RUNNING;
-		}
-		if (STATE.TERMINATED.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
+		// The analysis for the given project must exist!
+		if (this.analyses.containsKey(projectName)) {
+			final Analysis analysis = this.analyses.get(projectName);
+			final Enum<?> state = analysis.getCurrentState();
+			if (state != null) {
+				if (STATE.FAILED.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
+					retState = STATE.FAILED;
+				}
+				if (STATE.READY.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
+					retState = STATE.READY;
+				}
+				if (STATE.RUNNING.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
+					retState = STATE.RUNNING;
+				}
+				if (STATE.TERMINATED.toString().equals(state.toString())) {
+					retState = STATE.TERMINATED;
+				}
+			}
-		throw new ProjectNotExistingException("Unknown state.");
+		return retState;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/application/ProjectsBean.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/application/ProjectsBean.java
index f21c1e7c41c9dc1a9b3b1f9c0199357018e40ab8..88b7f9e114cc6226065d00b91dbd4ffc2ef929c5 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/application/ProjectsBean.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/application/ProjectsBean.java
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import kieker.analysis.AnalysisController.STATE;
 import kieker.analysis.model.analysisMetaModel.MIProject;
 import kieker.common.logging.Log;
 import kieker.common.logging.LogFactory;
@@ -66,16 +67,6 @@ public final class ProjectsBean {
 		// No code necessary
-	/**
-	 * The Setter for the property {@link ProjectsBean#projectService}. <b>Do not use this method. This property is Spring managed.</b>
-	 * 
-	 * @param projectService
-	 *            The new value for the property.
-	 */
-	public void setProjectService(final IProjectService projectService) {
-		this.projectService = projectService;
-	}
 	 * This method does some initialization work after construction. <b>Do not call this method. The method is Spring managed.</b>
@@ -218,10 +209,10 @@ public final class ProjectsBean {
 	 * @return The current state of the corresponding AnalysisController.
 	public String getAnalysisControllerState(final String project) {
-		try {
-			return this.projectService.getCurrentState(project).toString();
-		} catch (final ProjectNotExistingException ex) {
-			ProjectsBean.LOG.info("A project with the given name does not exist.", ex);
+		final STATE state = this.projectService.getCurrentState(project);
+		if (state != null) {
+			return state.toString();
+		} else {
 			return ProjectsBean.DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_STATE;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/request/NewUserBean.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/request/NewUserBean.java
index a9e207802052d48ee0abd9d650f959efd5f86266..d54fc22cdf671474ae61547102e96f78cc6ca7b3 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/request/NewUserBean.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/request/NewUserBean.java
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
 package kieker.webgui.web.beans.request;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@@ -34,7 +31,7 @@ import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
 public class NewUserBean {
-	private List<Role> roles;
+	private final Role role;
 	private String username;
 	private String password;
@@ -42,28 +39,18 @@ public class NewUserBean {
 	 * Creates a new instance of this bean and initializes it with empty fields. <b>Do not use this constructor. This bean is Spring managed.</b>
 	public NewUserBean() {
-		this.roles = new ArrayList<Role>();
+		this.role = Role.ROLE_GUEST;
 		this.username = "";
 		this.password = "";
-	 * Delivers the current value of the property {@link NewUserBean#roles}.
+	 * Getter for the property {@link NewUserBean#role}.
 	 * @return The current value of the property.
-	public List<Role> getRoles() {
-		return this.roles;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Setter for the property {@link NewUserBean#roles}.
-	 * 
-	 * @param roles
-	 *            The new value for the property.
-	 */
-	public void setRoles(final List<Role> roles) {
-		this.roles = roles;
+	public Role getRole() {
+		return this.role;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/session/UserBean.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/session/UserBean.java
index da3ea02c2d62c8f8cb0b1a357b2e5279327de6b9..df01e14fac5166742f7e8979093f38b9bd27cf58 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/session/UserBean.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/session/UserBean.java
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 package kieker.webgui.web.beans.session;
 import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Map;
 import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
+import org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority;
 import org.springframework.security.core.context.SecurityContextHolder;
 import org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@@ -74,22 +76,39 @@ public final class UserBean implements Serializable {
 	 * @return The user name of the session user.
 	public String getUsername() {
-		final String username;
+		String username = "N/A";
-		// Try to get the principal
-		final Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
-		if (principal instanceof UserDetails) {
-			// Looks like it worked. Extract the username.
-			final UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) principal;
+		final UserDetails userDetails = UserBean.getUserDetails();
+		if (userDetails != null) {
 			username = userDetails.getUsername();
-		} else {
-			// Something went wrong
-			username = "N/A";
 		return username;
+	public String getUserrole() {
+		String userrole = "N/A";
+		final UserDetails userDetails = UserBean.getUserDetails();
+		if (userDetails != null) {
+			final Iterator<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = userDetails.getAuthorities().iterator();
+			// If there is at least one authority, we know that it must be the first (we only have one authority per user).
+			if (authorities.hasNext()) {
+				userrole = authorities.next().getAuthority();
+			}
+		}
+		return userrole;
+	}
+	private static UserDetails getUserDetails() {
+		final Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
+		if (principal instanceof UserDetails) {
+			return (UserDetails) principal;
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
 	 * The setter for the property {@link UserBean#globalPropertiesBean}. <b>Do not use this method. This property is Spring managed.</b>
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/view/CurrentUserManagementBean.java b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/view/CurrentUserManagementBean.java
index 3e82f3889e836562ab7509d4df7f1f3d74fd9387..64422baff8f1aa778acd8009d296eadc008658f5 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/view/CurrentUserManagementBean.java
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/java/kieker/webgui/web/beans/view/CurrentUserManagementBean.java
@@ -20,14 +20,17 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
+import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import kieker.webgui.common.exception.DataAccessException;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User;
 import kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role;
 import kieker.webgui.service.IUserService;
+import kieker.webgui.web.beans.application.GlobalPropertiesBean;
  * @author Nils Christian Ehmke
@@ -35,12 +38,11 @@ import kieker.webgui.service.IUserService;
 public final class CurrentUserManagementBean {
 	private IUserService userService;
-	/**
-	 * This list contains all available users.
-	 */
-	private List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
+	private List<User> availableUses = new ArrayList<User>();
 	 * Default constructor. <b>Do not call this constructor manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
@@ -50,13 +52,11 @@ public final class CurrentUserManagementBean {
-	 * Setter for the property {@link CurrentUserManagementBean#userService}.
-	 * 
-	 * @param userService
-	 *            The new value for the property.
+	 * This method initializes the bean. <b>Do not call this method manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
-	public void setUserService(final IUserService userService) {
-		this.userService = userService;
+	@PostConstruct
+	protected void initialialize() {
+		this.updateList();
@@ -66,52 +66,63 @@ public final class CurrentUserManagementBean {
 	 *            The name of the new user.
 	 * @param password
 	 *            The password of the new user.
-	 * @param roles
-	 *            The roles of the new user.
+	 * @param role
+	 *            The role of the new user.
+	 * @param isEnabled
+	 *            Determines whether the user is enabled already or not.
-	public void addUser(final String username, final String password, final List<Role> roles) {
-		this.userService.addUser(username, password, roles);
-		// TODO Check that the op was successful before adding the user to our list
-		this.users.add(new User(username, null, roles, true));
+	public void addUser(final String username, final String password, final Role role, final boolean isEnabled) {
+		final User user = new User(username, password, role, isEnabled);
+		try {
+			this.userService.addUser(user);
+			this.availableUses.add(user);
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Added user to the database.");
+		} catch (final DataAccessException ex) {
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Could not add the user to the database.");
+		}
 	 * This method removed the given user from the database and informs about success via the growl component.
-	 * @param username
-	 *            The name of the user.
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The user to be deleted.
-	public void removeUser(final String username) {
-		this.userService.removeUser(username);
+	public void deleteUser(final User user) {
+		try {
+			this.userService.deleteUser(user);
+			this.availableUses.remove(user);
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Deleted user from the database.");
+		} catch (final DataAccessException ex) {
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Could not deleted the user from the database.");
+		}
 	 * This method edits the given user within the database and informs about success via the growl component.
-	 * @param username
-	 *            The name of the user.
-	 * @param password
-	 *            The (new) password of the user.
-	 * @param roles
-	 *            The (new) roles of the user.
-	 */
-	public void editUser(final String username, final String password, final Role... roles) {
-		this.userService.editUser(username, password, roles);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method initializes the bean. <b>Do not call this method manually. It will only be accessed by Spring.</b>
+	 * @param user
+	 *            The user to be modified.
-	@PostConstruct
-	protected void initialialize() {
-		this.updateList();
+	public void editUser(final User user) {
+		try {
+			this.userService.editUser(user);
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Modified user within the database.");
+		} catch (final DataAccessException ex) {
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Could not modified the user within the database.");
+		}
 	 * Updates the list containing the available users.
 	public void updateList() {
-		this.users = this.userService.getUsers();
+		try {
+			this.availableUses = this.userService.getUsers();
+		} catch (final DataAccessException ex) {
+			GlobalPropertiesBean.showMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "An error occured while accessing the database.");
+		}
@@ -120,6 +131,6 @@ public final class CurrentUserManagementBean {
 	 * @return All currently available users.
 	public List<User> getUsers() {
-		return this.users;
+		return this.availableUses;
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_de.properties b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_de.properties
index beef4292a8be73cc62d7bce5c0264e1b061d4aa6..7ac6e50e76383af558d33b8759b2e585408206f8 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_de.properties
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_de.properties
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# Diese Datei beinhaltet sämtliche Nachrichten, Buttonbeschriftungen etc., 
+# Diese Datei beinhaltet s\u00e4mtliche Nachrichten, Buttonbeschriftungen etc., 
 # welche innerhalb der Anmeldeseite benutzt werden.
 msgWelcomeShort = Willkommen bei der Kieker.WebGUI
-msgWelcome = Dies ist eine fr\u00fche Beta Version der Kieker Web GUI. Deshalb kann diese noch Bugs enthalten und einige Funktionalit\u00e4ten sind m\u00f6glicherweise noch nicht implementiert. Benutzen sie den Benutzer "Kieker-Team" mit dem Passwort "kieker" um sich anzumelden und fortzufahren.
+msgWelcome = Dies ist eine fr\u00fche Beta Version der Kieker Web GUI. Deshalb kann diese noch Bugs enthalten und einige Funktionalit\u00e4ten sind m\u00f6glicherweise noch nicht implementiert. Benutzen sie den Benutzer "Kieker-Administrator" mit dem Passwort "kieker" um sich anzumelden und fortzufahren.
 username = Benutzername
 password = Passwort
 login = Anmelden
-hint = Hinweis: Die Kieker.WebGUI benötigt Cookies und JavaScript, um korrekt zu funktionieren. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beides aktiviert ist.
\ No newline at end of file
+hint = Hinweis: Die Kieker.WebGUI ben\u00f6tigt Cookies und JavaScript, um korrekt zu funktionieren. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beides aktiviert ist.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_en.properties b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_en.properties
index 153c8a76c5f95639912deaba73856d347053c0d3..faef1b907c2bbeeeba88542541ef27eb6eb9596f 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_en.properties
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/LoginPage_en.properties
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgWelcomeShort = Welcome to the Kieker.WebGUI
-msgWelcome = This is an early beta version of the Kieker Web GUI. Therefore it may contain bugs and some functionality may have not been implemented yet. Use the user "Kieker-Team" with the password "kieker" to login and continue.
+msgWelcome = This is an early beta version of the Kieker Web GUI. Therefore it may contain bugs and some functionality may have not been implemented yet. Use the user "Kieker-Administrator" with the password "kieker" to login and continue.
 username = Username
 password = Password
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_de.properties b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_de.properties
index f5aadf0cfd9875f716c087addc7eaa2e9844c1a2..878f37ba6cf545bb7dce1a6ae0fed80a915d6885 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_de.properties
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_de.properties
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Diese Datei beinhaltet sämtliche Nachrichten, Buttonbeschriftungen etc., 
+# Diese Datei beinhaltet s\u00e4mtliche Nachrichten, Buttonbeschriftungen etc., 
 # welche innerhalb der Benutzerverwaltungsseite benutzt werden.
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ updateUserList = Benutzerliste Aktualisieren
 editUser = Benutzer Bearbeiten
 disableUser = Benutzer Deaktivieren
 enableUser = Benutzer Aktivieren
-deleteUser = Benutzer Löschen
+deleteUser = Benutzer L\u00f6schen
 username = Benutzername
-userroles = Benutzerrollen
+userrole = Benutzerrolle
 enabled = Aktiviert
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_en.properties b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_en.properties
index fcca366ae9570d14a04c2cbabeffd28470e6f1ae..f705fdec2d50eef8697cd3d67e374899010f2a10 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_en.properties
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/lang/UserManagementPage_en.properties
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ enableUser = Enable User
 deleteUser = Delete User
 username = Username
-userroles = Userroles
+userrole = Userrole
 enabled = Enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/tables.sql b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/tables.sql
index 1b5b6acd805c0c1dd67d647f8e553b2878b127dc..f2838af0447b2fbc687710c46e6132ca7227c1f9 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/tables.sql
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/tables.sql
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-CREATE TABLE Roles (ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Role varchar(255));
-CREATE TABLE KIEKERUser (name varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password varchar(255) NOT NULL, enabled BOOLEAN);
-CREATE TABLE Userroles (name varchar(255) NOT NULL, role int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT key_roles PRIMARY KEY(name, role));
\ No newline at end of file
+CREATE TABLE Users (name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, isGuest BOOLEAN, isUser BOOLEAN, isAdministrator BOOLEAN, isEnabled BOOLEAN, CONSTRAINT checkFlags CHECK ((CASE WHEN isGuest THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)+(CASE WHEN isUser THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)+(CASE WHEN isAdministrator THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)=1));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/test-data.sql b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/test-data.sql
index 1c17b8ef9aeee3b827104badc2df042be937a5a1..5110ea9ca9114f9201f86909fef5dd3fd5eb22cd 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/test-data.sql
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/resources/sql/test-data.sql
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-INSERT INTO KIEKERUser (name, password, enabled) VALUES ('Kieker-Team', 'kieker', True), ('Kieker-User', 'kieker', True)
-INSERT INTO Userroles (name, role) VALUES ('Kieker-Team', 1), ('Kieker-User', 1), ('Kieker-Team', 2)
\ No newline at end of file
+INSERT INTO Users (name, password, isGuest, isUser, isAdministrator, isEnabled) VALUES ('Kieker-Administrator', 'kieker', false, false, true, true), ('Kieker-User', 'kieker', false, true, false, true), ('Kieker-Guest', 'kieker', true, false, false, true)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-bean-config.xml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-bean-config.xml
index 3e101623e1609c82467fa9e729dbf816ba726abd..7397f093037fe3c46c4c00c6b0f47a2c7c241258 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-bean-config.xml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-bean-config.xml
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
     <context:component-scan base-package="kieker.webgui"/> 
     <!-- The enums. -->
+    <util:constant id="ROLE_GUEST" static-field="kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role.ROLE_GUEST"/>
     <util:constant id="ROLE_USER" static-field="kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role.ROLE_USER"/>
     <util:constant id="ROLE_ADMIN" static-field="kieker.webgui.domain.User.Role.ROLE_ADMIN"/>
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-security-config.xml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-security-config.xml
index 990ee3569de60ecc226fcbb2b1e419db3f848afa..7b6d72c9c392233052e738b80869e404eaf22480 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-security-config.xml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-security-config.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
              xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.1.xsd
-	                   http://www.springframework.org/schema/security http://www.springframework.org/schema/security/spring-security-3.1.xsd">
+	                         http://www.springframework.org/schema/security http://www.springframework.org/schema/security/spring-security-3.1.xsd">
     <http use-expressions="true" access-denied-page="/accessDenied" >
         <form-login login-page="/login" default-target-url="/pages/"  authentication-failure-url="/login?state=fail"/>
@@ -15,12 +15,23 @@
         <intercept-url pattern="/templates/**" access="denyAll"/>
         <!-- The admin area is only accessible by administrators. -->
-        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/admin/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>
-        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/admin/**" access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/admin/**" access="hasRole('Administrator')"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/admin/**" access="hasRole('Administrator')"/>
+        <!-- The is the guest area. -->
+        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/analysisEditor" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/cockpit" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/analysisEditor" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/cockpit" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/AnalysisEditorPage.xhtml" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/CockpitPage.xhtml" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/AnalysisEditorPage.xhtml" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/CockpitPage.xhtml" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
         <!-- The is the usual user area. -->
-        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/**" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
-        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/**" access="isAuthenticated()"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/pages/**" access="hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')"/>
+        <intercept-url pattern="/faces/pages/**" access="hasAnyRole('User', 'Administrator')"/>
         <!-- The root will be redirected to home via prettyfaces. -->
         <intercept-url pattern="/" access="isAuthenticated()" />
@@ -33,12 +44,10 @@
             <jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="userDataSource"
-		      select name, password, enabled 
-		      from KIEKERUser where name=?" 
+		      SELECT name, password, isEnabled 
+		      FROM Users WHERE name=?" 
-                               authorities-by-username-query="
-		      select u.name, r.Role from KIEKERUser u, Userroles ur, Roles r 
-		      where u.name=ur.name and r.ID = ur.role and u.name=?" 
+                               authorities-by-username-query="select name, (case when isGuest then 'Guest' else (case when isUser then 'User' else 'Administrator' end) end) as ROLE from users where users.name = ?" 
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/AnalysisEditorPageDialogs.xhtml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/AnalysisEditorPageDialogs.xhtml
index 3bb924951b2804fabce08565d5918c6f1e51aacb..1374ef41e89bfdbc985a7364e26f41089b27166d 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/AnalysisEditorPageDialogs.xhtml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/AnalysisEditorPageDialogs.xhtml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-    <p:dialog id="manageLibrariesDlg" header="#{localizedMessages.libraries}" resizable="false" modal="true" widgetVar="manageLibrariesDialog">
+    <p:dialog id="manageLibrariesDlg" header="#{localizedAnalysisEditorPageMessages.libraries}" resizable="false" modal="true" widgetVar="manageLibrariesDialog">
         <h:form id="dependenciesForm">
             <p:dataTable id="currentDependencies" value="#{currentAnalysisEditorBean.libraries}"  var="dependency" paginator="true" rows="10" paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport}  {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}" >     
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/UserManagementDialogs.xhtml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/UserManagementDialogs.xhtml
index 2106604ad4feab461ae37820e2955e652920eee0..00a2a4282a9abd797e3e333dd4c8c4880e57cbc6 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/UserManagementDialogs.xhtml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/dialogs/UserManagementDialogs.xhtml
@@ -17,16 +17,23 @@
                 <p:inputText value="#{newUserBean.password}" style="width: 100%" />
-                <h:outputText value="Benutzerrollen: " /> 
-                <p:selectManyCheckbox value="#{newUserBean.roles}" layout="pageDirection" converter="roleStringConverter">  
+                <h:outputText value="Benutzerrolle: " /> 
+                <p:selectOneRadio value="#{newUserBean.role}" converter="roleStringConverter">  
+                    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Gast" itemValue="#{ROLE_GUEST}" />  
                     <f:selectItem itemLabel="Benutzer" itemValue="#{ROLE_USER}" />  
                     <f:selectItem itemLabel="Administrator" itemValue="#{ROLE_ADMIN}" />  
-                </p:selectManyCheckbox>  
+                </p:selectOneRadio>
+                <h:outputText value="Status: " /> 
+                <p:selectOneRadio>
+                    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Aktiviert" itemValue="#{true}" />  
+                    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Deaktiviert" itemValue="#{false}" />  
+                </p:selectOneRadio> 
             <div style="text-align: right">
-                <p:commandButton value="#{localizedMessages.ok}" action="#{currentUserManagementBean.addUser(newUserBean.username, newUserBean.password, newUserBean.roles)}" oncomplete="newUserDlg.hide()" update=":usersListForm"/>
+                <p:commandButton value="#{localizedMessages.ok}" action="#{currentUserManagementBean.addUser(newUserBean.username, newUserBean.password, newUserBean.role, true)}" oncomplete="newUserDlg.hide()" update=":usersListForm"/>
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/ProjectOverviewPage.xhtml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/ProjectOverviewPage.xhtml
index 719740a3113693aaf36eef6ed77eb9edb539d80d..dec28c8943ccb6b3509bb8df7d5b8ec7b41ab9cf 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/ProjectOverviewPage.xhtml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/ProjectOverviewPage.xhtml
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
-      xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core">
+      xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
+      xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core">
@@ -27,9 +28,11 @@
             <!-- Those are the menu bar entries left from the help-submenu. -->
             <ui:define name="furtherMenuBarEntries">
                 <p:submenu label="#{localizedMessages.file}">
-                    <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-newProject" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.newProject}" onclick="newProjectDialog.show()" ajax="true"/>
-                    <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-importProject" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.importProject}" ajax="true" disabled="true"/>
-                    <p:separator/>
+                    <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('User, Administrator')}">
+                        <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-newProject" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.newProject}" onclick="newProjectDialog.show()" ajax="true"/>
+                        <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-importProject" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.importProject}" ajax="true" disabled="true"/>
+                        <p:separator/>
+                    </c:if>
                     <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-reload" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.refreshProjectsList}" update=":projectsListForm" action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.updateLists()}" ajax="true"/>
                     <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-settings" value="  #{localizedMessages.settings}" onclick="settingsDlg.show()" ajax="true"/>
@@ -49,20 +52,26 @@
                                 <p:menuitem icon="ui-icon-analysisEditor" id="openButton" value="  #{localizedMessages.analysisEditor}" styleClass="element-with-whitespace" ajax="false" outcome="analysisEditor">
                                     <f:param name="projectName" value="#{project}"/>
-                                <p:menuitem icon="ui-icon-analysis" id="controlAnalysis"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedMessages.analysis}" ajax="false" outcome="controller">
-                                    <f:param name="projectName" value="#{project}"/>
-                                </p:menuitem>
+                                <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('User, Administrator')}">
+                                    <p:menuitem icon="ui-icon-analysis" id="controlAnalysis"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedMessages.analysis}" ajax="false" outcome="controller">
+                                        <f:param name="projectName" value="#{project}"/>
+                                    </p:menuitem>
+                                </c:if>
-                                <p:menuitem icon="ui-icon-cockpitEditor" id="editAnalysisViews"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedMessages.cockpitEditor}" ajax="false" outcome="cockpitEditor" >
-                                    <f:param name="projectName" value="#{project}"/>
-                                </p:menuitem>
+                                <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('User, Administrator')}">
+                                    <p:menuitem icon="ui-icon-cockpitEditor" id="editAnalysisViews"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedMessages.cockpitEditor}" ajax="false" outcome="cockpitEditor" >
+                                        <f:param name="projectName" value="#{project}"/>
+                                    </p:menuitem>
+                                </c:if>
                                 <p:menuitem icon="ui-icon-cockpit" id="showAnalysis"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedMessages.cockpit}" ajax="false" outcome="cockpit">
                                     <f:param name="projectName" value="#{project}"/>
-                                <p:separator/>
-                                <p:menuitem id="copyButton" icon="ui-icon-copy"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.copyProject}" action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.setProjectName(project)}" onclick="copyProjectDialog.show()"/>
-                                <p:menuitem id="renameButton" icon="ui-icon-edit"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.renameProject}"  action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.setProjectName(project)}" onclick="renameProjectDialog.show()" disabled="true"/>
-                                <p:menuitem id="deleteButton" icon="ui-icon-delete"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.deleteProject}" action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.setProjectName(project)}" onclick="deleteProjectDialog.show()" disabled="true"/>      
+                                <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('User, Administrator')}">
+                                    <p:separator/>
+                                    <p:menuitem id="copyButton" icon="ui-icon-copy"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.copyProject}" action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.setProjectName(project)}" onclick="copyProjectDialog.show()"/>
+                                    <p:menuitem id="renameButton" icon="ui-icon-edit"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.renameProject}"  action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.setProjectName(project)}" onclick="renameProjectDialog.show()" disabled="true"/>
+                                    <p:menuitem id="deleteButton" icon="ui-icon-delete"  styleClass="element-with-whitespace" value="  #{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.deleteProject}" action="#{currentProjectOverviewBean.setProjectName(project)}" onclick="deleteProjectDialog.show()" disabled="true"/>      
+                                </c:if>
                         <p:column headerText="#{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.state}" style="text-align: center" sortBy="#{projectsBean.getAnalysisControllerState(project)}">  
@@ -72,15 +81,15 @@
                         <p:column headerText="#{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.owner}" style="text-align: center">   
                             <h:outputText value="N/A" />  
                         <p:column headerText="#{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.lastModification}" sortBy="#{projectsBean.getCurrTimeStamp(project)}" style="text-align: center">  
                             <h:outputText value="#{projectsBean.getCurrTimeStamp(project)}" />  
                         <p:column headerText="#{localizedProjectOverviewMessages.lastEditor}" style="text-align: center">   
                             <h:outputText value="N/A" />  
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/admin/UserManagementPage.xhtml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/admin/UserManagementPage.xhtml
index b44ced63add34c0e6cf1307409fe478788fce373..249419492bf20f530dd95a666857a8f2e6b8f33e 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/admin/UserManagementPage.xhtml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/pages/admin/UserManagementPage.xhtml
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
-                        <p:column headerText="#{localizedUserManagementMessages.userroles}" sortBy="#{user.roles}">
-                            #{user.roles}
+                        <p:column headerText="#{localizedUserManagementMessages.userrole}" sortBy="#{user.role}">
+                            #{user.role}
                         <p:column headerText="#{localizedUserManagementMessages.enabled}" sortBy="#{user.enabled}" style="text-align: center">
diff --git a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/templates/PagesTemplate.xhtml b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/templates/PagesTemplate.xhtml
index 1c09d653f4d0a7ea9e3cad989a6270688c389f21..da0139079fd67133218f876906dcbcfa3a9faa8d 100644
--- a/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/templates/PagesTemplate.xhtml
+++ b/Kieker.WebGUI/src/main/webapp/templates/PagesTemplate.xhtml
@@ -30,17 +30,21 @@
                                     <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-analysisEditor" value="#{localizedMessages.analysisEditor}" outcome="analysisEditor" disabled="#{pagename == 'analysisEditor' or empty projectName}">
                                         <f:param name="projectName" value="#{projectName}" rendered="#{not empty projectName}"/>
-                                    <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-analysis" value="#{localizedMessages.analysis}" outcome="controller" disabled="#{pagename == 'controller' or empty projectName}">
-                                        <f:param name="projectName" value="#{projectName}" rendered="#{not empty projectName}"/>
-                                    </p:button>
+                                    <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('User, Administrator')}">
+                                        <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-analysis" value="#{localizedMessages.analysis}" outcome="controller" disabled="#{pagename == 'controller' or empty projectName}">
+                                            <f:param name="projectName" value="#{projectName}" rendered="#{not empty projectName}"/>
+                                        </p:button>
+                                    </c:if>
-                                    <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-cockpitEditor" value="#{localizedMessages.cockpitEditor}" outcome="cockpitEditor" disabled="#{pagename == 'cockpitEditor' or empty projectName}">
-                                        <f:param name="projectName" value="#{projectName}" rendered="#{not empty projectName}"/>
-                                    </p:button>
+                                    <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('User, Administrator')}">
+                                        <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-cockpitEditor" value="#{localizedMessages.cockpitEditor}" outcome="cockpitEditor" disabled="#{pagename == 'cockpitEditor' or empty projectName}">
+                                            <f:param name="projectName" value="#{projectName}" rendered="#{not empty projectName}"/>
+                                        </p:button>
+                                    </c:if>
                                     <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-cockpit" value="#{localizedMessages.cockpit}" outcome="cockpit" disabled="#{pagename == 'cockpit' or empty projectName}">
                                         <f:param name="projectName" value="#{projectName}" rendered="#{not empty projectName}"/>
-                                    <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')}">
+                                    <c:if test="#{sec:areAnyGranted('Administrator')}">
                                         <p:button styleClass="perspective-button" icon="ui-icon-userManagement" value="User Management" outcome="userManagement" disabled="#{pagename == 'userManagement'}" />
@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@
                                     <p:menuitem styleClass="element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-about" value="  #{localizedMessages.about}" onclick="aboutDlg.show()" ajax="true"/>
-                                <p:menuitem styleClass="logOutButton element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-logout" value=" #{userBean.username}" ajax="true" url="#{request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_logout"/>
+                                <p:menuitem styleClass="logOutButton element-with-whitespace" icon="ui-icon-logout" value=" #{userBean.username} (#{userBean.userrole})" ajax="true" url="#{request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_logout"/>
                             <ui:insert name="furtherMenuBar"/>