# News

### Release 2.0 - 30.09.2015

TeeTime is released as 2.0. It can be downloaded from the [download section](download.html). For a changelog visit the [release notes](changes-report.html#a2.0). Assistance on how to migrate to this version can be found [here](wiki/migrate-to-v2).

### Release 1.1.2 - 12.05.2015

TeeTime is released as 1.1.2. This fixes a bug in TeeTime's merger stage.

### Release 1.1.1 - 06.05.2015

Today, version 1.1.1 of TeeTime was released. It solves a bug which could lead to a NullPointerException.
Changes are documented in the [release notes](changes-report.html#1.1.1).

### Release 1.1 - 30.04.2015

TeeTime is now available as version 1.1. It can be downloaded from the [download section](download.html). For a changelog visit the [release notes](changes-report.html#1.1).

### Release 1.0 - 19.12.2014

As from today, TeeTime is available as a stable release. It can be downloaded from the [download section](download.html).