<document xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/changes/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/changes/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/changes-1.0.0.xsd"> <properties> <title>Release Notes</title> </properties> <body> <release version="2.0" date="30.09.2015" description="Camellia Release"> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="93"> New concept: composite stages. </action> <action dev="chw" type="add" issue="207"> Added capacity to IPipe. </action> <action dev="chw" type="add" issue="197"> Added the ability to add ports to a merger at runtime. </action> <action dev="chw" type="add" issue="172"> Added the ability to add ports to a distributor at runtime. </action> <action dev="chw" type="add" issue="183"> Threads can be added at runtime. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="33"> TeeTime automatically chooses the correct type of pipe for all connections. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="195"> Configurations can only be executed once. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="165"> Ports can be named for better debugging. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add"> Stages without any input port are automatically executed in a dedicated thread. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="171"> Configurations are now built within the Configuration class. This removes any constraints on CompositeStages and enables therefore multiple connections and multithreading in such stages. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="154"> All stages will be initialized before starting the analysis. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="122"> Threads can be named for better debugging. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="170"> Exceptions within the initialization will now terminate the execution. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="211"> Added Services. Any Execution can now be aborted. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="224"> Merged Stage into AbstractStage. </action> <action dev="chw" type="update" issue="189"> Merger and Distributor strategies are moved to a separate package. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="185"> TerminatingExceptionListener is now the default listener. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="174"> Removed addThreadableStage and replaced it by AbstractStage.declareActive(). </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update"> Renamed Analysis to Execution. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="remove" issue="217"> Removed InitializingSignal. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="remove"> Removed pair class. </action> </release> <release version="1.1.2" date="12.05.2015" description="Minor bugfixes for 1.1"> <action dev="chw" due-to="Nils C. Ehmke" type="fix" issue="151"> Solved a bug in the merger stage. </action> </release> <release version="1.1.1" date="06.05.2015" description="Minor bugfixes for 1.1"> <action dev="ntd" due-to="Nils C. Ehmke" type="fix" issue="151"> Solved a bug which led to a NullPointerExceptions. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="102"> Removed deprecated methods. </action> </release> <release version="1.1" date="30.04.2015" description="Black release"> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="32"> New concept: exception handling incl. Wiki tutorial. </action> <action due-to="Nils C. Ehmke" type="add" issue="107"> New concept: unit test framework for testing a single stage. </action> <action dev="chw" type="add"> New class: AbstractTransformation; Represents a stage with a single input and a single output port. </action> <action dev="chw" type="add"> New class: AbstractFilter; Represents a stage with a single input and a single output port of the same type. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="92"> Analysis.start() is now deprecated. Use Analysis.execute() instead. </action> <action due-to="Arne J. Salveter" type="update" issue="120"> Renamed Stage.executeWithPorts() to Stage.executeStage(). </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="112"> Removed IterableProducer. Use InitialElementProducer instead. </action> <action dev="chw" type="update" issue="141"> Updated dependencies. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="update" issue="72"> Jar is not only published via the Central Maven Repository, but also via our CI server Jenkins. </action> <action dev="chw" type="fix" issue="143"> #143 Null values can block the analysis. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="fix" issue="109"> #109 Minor bug in ObjectProducer stage. </action> <action dev="ntd" type="fix" issue="75"> #75 Signal passing is incorrect. </action> </release> <release version="1.0" date="19.12.2014" description="Assam release"> <action dev="ntd" type="add" issue="66"> Created a new site to promote TeeTime. </action> <action type="add"> Initial release of TeeTime. </action> </release> </body> </document>