The MITgcm configuration comprises of:
- Selected packages
- General configuration parameter
- Features
## Code configuration
### Packages
- **Packages** provide specific functionality for the model
- **Package groups** are collections of commonly used packages which are defined in `pkg/pkg_groups`
- Packages have dependencies which are defined in `pkg/pkg_depend`
- Essentially this is a simple feature model with dependencies and exclusions
### SIZE_H
- Model size setup
- Located in `code/SIZE.h`
### *_OPTIONS.h
- Control features of packages
- Global features are controlled in `code/CPP_OPTIONS.h`
- Specific features are controlled in package related `<PKG>_OPTIONS.h` files
## Input Data
- Contains the input data files required to run an experiment
- `input/data` namelist for parameterization
- `input/data.pkg` namelist for the packages
- `input/eedata` namelist for the execution environment setup
- May also contain forcing data |