diff --git a/execution/lib/__init__.py b/execution/lib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/execution/lib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc b/execution/lib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1215d4a0986b382c93fa6efc9d9e870edfa4e487
Binary files /dev/null and b/execution/lib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc differ
diff --git a/execution/lib/__pycache__/trend_slope_computer.cpython-37.pyc b/execution/lib/__pycache__/trend_slope_computer.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2adbee6c4886edcba20ded19e5c7faee198d0f7
Binary files /dev/null and b/execution/lib/__pycache__/trend_slope_computer.cpython-37.pyc differ
diff --git a/execution/lib/trend_slope_computer.py b/execution/lib/trend_slope_computer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c780b29432a67e99444179451a206e20c485188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/lib/trend_slope_computer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
+import pandas as pd
+import os
+def compute(directory, filename, warmup_sec, threshold):
+    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(directory, filename))
+    input = df
+    input['sec_start'] = input.loc[0:, 'timestamp'] - input.iloc[0]['timestamp']
+    regress = input.loc[input['sec_start'] >= warmup_sec] # Warm-Up
+    X = regress.iloc[:, 2].values.reshape(-1, 1)  # values converts it into a numpy array
+    Y = regress.iloc[:, 3].values.reshape(-1, 1)  # -1 means that calculate the dimension of rows, but have 1 column
+    linear_regressor = LinearRegression()  # create object for the class
+    linear_regressor.fit(X, Y)  # perform linear regression
+    Y_pred = linear_regressor.predict(X)  # make predictions
+    trend_slope = linear_regressor.coef_[0][0]
+    #print(linear_regressor.coef_)
+    return trend_slope
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/config.py b/execution/strategies/config.py
index a28c3b856c7c99399f7924b169be146f971446f3..f6b639073db707e9717fcffb1cf54c73f2bff523 100644
--- a/execution/strategies/config.py
+++ b/execution/strategies/config.py
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ class ExperimentConfig:
     """ Wrapper for the configuration of an experiment. """
     use_case: str
     dim_values: list
-    replicas: list
+    replicass: list
     partitions: int
     cpu_limit: str
     memory_limit: str
     kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms: int
     execution_minutes: int
-    benchmarking_strategy: object
+    domain_restriction_strategy: object
+    search_strategy: object
     subexperiment_executor: object
     subexperiment_evaluator: object
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/experiment_execution.py b/execution/strategies/experiment_execution.py
index 7de16e941f750725fb181dc41d8eb6df6109e746..c2ee18f9b79a6e880dbcb69b47061cc5ecc6b9ba 100644
--- a/execution/strategies/experiment_execution.py
+++ b/execution/strategies/experiment_execution.py
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ class ExperimentExecutor:
     def execute(self):
-        self.config.benchmarking_strategy.execute(self.config)
+        self.config.domain_restriction_strategy.execute(self.config)
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/binary_search_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/binary_search_strategy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f27f54d3c6502ccd9d3dc68d9ef4819a5cc23d7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/execution/strategies/strategies/binary_search_strategy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from .config import SubexperimentConfig
-def searchTransition(config, replica_index, lower, upper, subexperiment_counter):
-    if lower==upper:
-        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {config.dim_values[lower]} {config.replicas[replica_index]}")
-        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, config.dim_values[lower], config.replicas[replica_index], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
-        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
-        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute()
-        if result==1: # successful, the upper neighbor must be not successful
-            return lower+1
-        else: # not successful
-            return lower
-    elif lower+1 == upper:
-        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {config.dim_values[lower]} {config.replicas[replica_index]}")
-        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, config.dim_values[lower], config.replicas[replica_index], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
-        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
-        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute()
-        if result==1: # successful, the upper neighbor must be not successful
-            print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {config.dim_values[upper]} {config.replicas[replica_index]}")
-            subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, config.dim_values[upper], config.replicas[replica_index], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
-            config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
-            result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute()
-            if result == 1:
-                return upper+1
-            else:
-                return upper
-        else: # not successful
-            return lower
-    else:
-        # test mid
-        mid=(upper+lower)//2
-        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {config.dim_values[mid]} {config.replicas[replica_index]}")
-        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, config.dim_values[mid], config.replicas[replica_index], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
-        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
-        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute()
-        if result == 1: # success -> search in (mid+1, upper)
-            return searchTransition(config, replica_index, mid+1, upper, subexperiment_counter+1)
-        else: # not success -> search in (lower, mid-1)
-            return searchTransition(config, replica_index, lower, mid-1, subexperiment_counter+1)
-def execute(config):
-    subexperiment_counter=0
-    lower = 0
-    upper = len(config.dim_values)-1
-    j = 0
-    while j < len(config.replicas) and lower < len(config.dim_values):
-        lower = searchTransition(config, j, lower, upper, subexperiment_counter+1)
-        j+=1
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/default_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/default_strategy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 41419468fe873aea2308c564e83b3cca71135afe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/execution/strategies/strategies/default_strategy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Contains the default strategy that executes a subexperiment for all combinations of instances and dimension values.
-import os
-from .config import SubexperimentConfig
-def execute(config):
-    subexperiment_counter=0
-    subexperiments_total=len(config.dim_values)*len(config.replicas)
-    for dim_value in config.dim_values:
-        for replica in config.replicas:
-            subexperiment_counter+=1
-            print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter}/{subexperiments_total} with dimension value {dim_value} and {replica} replicas.")
-            subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, replica, config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
-            config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/domain_restriction/lower_bound_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/domain_restriction/lower_bound_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ebbf13ef75931e36fb8b62dde79011a406ed72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/strategies/domain_restriction/lower_bound_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# strats:
+# default: not end subexp when suitable instances found, increasing the number of instances with each iteration
+# H1 end subexp when suitable instances found, increasing the number of instances with each iteration.
+# H2 start with suitable instances from experiments for the last lower dim value -> outer loop over dim values, tracking suitable instances
+# H3 end subexp when suitable instances found, using binary search.
+# 3 Suchstrategien:
+#   1. H0 (Teste alle)
+#   2. H1 (Lineare Suche)
+#   3. H2 (Binäre Suche)
+# Optional: Einschränkung des Suchraumes:
+#   1. Keine Einschränkung
+#   2. Untere Schranke
+# Fragen: Erkläre vorgehen, verstehen wir dasselbe?
+# Zeithorizont?
+# linear regressor besprechen im lag_analysis.py skript
+# useful combinations
+# Zum Report:
+# Gegenüberstellung Suchstrategie & keine Suchstrategie (im Idealfall wdh. von Experimenten)
+def execute(config):
+    dim_value_index = 0
+    lower_bound_replicas_index = 0
+    subexperiment_counter = 0
+    while dim_value_index < len(config.dim_values) and lower_bound_replicas_index >= 0 and lower_bound_replicas_index < len(config.replicass):
+        lower_bound_replicas_index, subexperiment_counter = config.search_strategy.execute(
+            config=config,
+            dim_value_index=dim_value_index,
+            lower_replicas_bound_index=lower_bound_replicas_index,
+            subexperiment_counter=subexperiment_counter)
+        dim_value_index+=1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/domain_restriction/no_lower_bound_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/domain_restriction/no_lower_bound_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2da59681902009bab42043f0b29efcb4fea8d8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/strategies/domain_restriction/no_lower_bound_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+def execute(config):
+    dim_value_index = 0
+    subexperiment_counter = 0
+    while dim_value_index < len(config.dim_values):
+        _, subexperiment_counter = config.search_strategy.execute(
+            config=config,
+            dim_value_index=dim_value_index,
+            lower_replicas_bound_index=0,
+            subexperiment_counter=subexperiment_counter)
+        dim_value_index+=1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/search/binary_search_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/search/binary_search_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..770a6c821679d62a5e1f5c0919708fc4bbb204cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/strategies/search/binary_search_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import os
+from strategies.strategies.config import SubexperimentConfig
+def binary_search(config, dim_value, lower, upper, subexperiment_counter):
+    if lower == upper:
+        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {dim_value} {config.replicass[lower]}")
+        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, config.replicass[lower], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
+        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        if result==1: # successful, the upper neighbor is assumed to also has been successful
+            return (lower, subexperiment_counter+1)
+        else: # not successful
+            return (lower+1, subexperiment_counter)
+    elif lower+1==upper:
+        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {dim_value} {config.replicass[lower]}")
+        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, config.replicass[lower], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
+        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        if result==1: # minimal instances found
+            return (lower, subexperiment_counter)
+        else: # not successful, check if lower+1 instances are sufficient
+            print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {dim_value} {config.replicass[upper]}")
+            subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, config.replicass[upper], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
+            config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
+            result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute(subexperiment_config)
+            if result == 1: # minimal instances found
+                return (upper, subexperiment_counter)
+            else:
+                return (upper+1, subexperiment_counter)
+    else:
+        # test mid
+        mid=(upper+lower)//2
+        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} with config {dim_value} {config.replicass[mid]}")
+        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, config.replicass[mid], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
+        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        if result == 1: # success -> search in (lower, mid-1)
+            return binary_search(config, dim_value, lower, mid-1, subexperiment_counter+1)
+        else: # not success -> search in (mid+1, upper)
+            return binary_search(config, dim_value, mid+1, upper, subexperiment_counter+1)
+def execute(config, dim_value_index, lower_replicas_bound_index, subexperiment_counter):
+    upper = len(config.replicass)-1
+    dim_value=config.dim_values[dim_value_index]
+    return binary_search(config, dim_value, lower_replicas_bound_index, upper, subexperiment_counter)
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/search/check_all_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/search/check_all_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c8dc41f4e8ae36cbb6d7a9770cef735f608e9be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/strategies/search/check_all_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Runs subexperiments for all numbers of replicas with an index > lower_replicas_bound_index
+import os
+from strategies.strategies.config import SubexperimentConfig
+def execute(config, dim_value_index, lower_replicas_bound_index, subexperiment_counter):
+    new_lower_replicas_bound_index=lower_replicas_bound_index
+    new_lower_replicas_bound_found=False
+    subexperiments_total=len(config.dim_values)*len(config.replicass)
+    while lower_replicas_bound_index < len(config.replicass):
+        subexperiment_counter+=1
+        dim_value=config.dim_values[dim_value_index]
+        replicas=config.replicass[lower_replicas_bound_index]
+        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} of {subexperiments_total} with dimension value {dim_value} and {replicas} replicas.")
+        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, replicas, config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
+        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute(subexperiment_config) == 1
+        if result == 1 and not new_lower_replicas_bound_found:
+            new_lower_replicas_bound_found = True
+            new_lower_replicas_bound_index = lower_replicas_bound_index
+        lower_replicas_bound_index+=1
+    return (new_lower_replicas_bound_index, subexperiment_counter)
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/search/linear_search_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/search/linear_search_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6337d3d64ad1529f90b1bffe4ef92500ce11ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/strategies/search/linear_search_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Perform linear search to determine the lowest number of replicas which is suitable for the dimension value with an index > lower_replicas_bound_index
+import os
+from strategies.strategies.config import SubexperimentConfig
+def execute(config, dim_value_index, lower_replicas_bound_index, subexperiment_counter):
+    subexperiments_total=len(config.dim_values)+len(config.replicass)-1
+    dim_value=config.dim_values[dim_value_index]
+    while lower_replicas_bound_index < len(config.replicass):
+        subexperiment_counter+=1
+        replicas=config.replicass[lower_replicas_bound_index]
+        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter} from at most {subexperiments_total} with dimension value {dim_value} and {replicas} replicas.")
+        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, dim_value, replicas, config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
+        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute(subexperiment_config)
+        if result == 1:
+            return (lower_replicas_bound_index, subexperiment_counter)
+        else:
+            lower_replicas_bound_index+=1
+    return (lower_replicas_bound_index, subexperiment_counter)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/strategies/step_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/strategies/step_strategy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9abad06607d7c0bfc8dd31201bd768a594778f70..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/execution/strategies/strategies/step_strategy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Contains the default strategy that executes a subexperiment for all combinations of instances and dimension values.
-import os
-from .config import SubexperimentConfig
-def execute(config):
-    subexperiment_counter=0
-    subexperiments_total=len(config.dim_values)*len(config.replicas)
-    i=0
-    j=0
-    while i < len(config.replicas) and j < len(config.dim_values):
-        subexperiment_counter+=1
-        print(f"Run subexperiment {subexperiment_counter}/{subexperiments_total} with dimension value {config.dim_values[j]} and {config.replicas[i]} replicas.")
-        subexperiment_config = SubexperimentConfig(config.use_case, subexperiment_counter, config.dim_values[j], config.replicas[i], config.partitions, config.cpu_limit, config.memory_limit, config.kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, config.execution_minutes)
-        config.subexperiment_executor.execute(subexperiment_config)
-        result = config.subexperiment_evaluator.execute()
-        if result == 1:
-            j+=1
-        else:
-            i+=1
-    print(f"Executed {subexperiment_counter} experiments in total.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/noop_subexperiment_evaluator.py b/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/noop_subexperiment_evaluator.py
index e38974266d9704dc3d25dd2f3b75b9ce2dadfd34..7c520fbe621bff1d94f2c065062bf9a38d02392c 100644
--- a/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/noop_subexperiment_evaluator.py
+++ b/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/noop_subexperiment_evaluator.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-def execute():
+def execute(config):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/subexperiment_evaluator.py b/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/subexperiment_evaluator.py
index 021b020f971477a13d61d5be2a8a7396cf5f7d13..712b4b2049396a71d127f2cbe5c8a30d9310c3ec 100644
--- a/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/subexperiment_evaluator.py
+++ b/execution/strategies/subexperiment_evaluation/subexperiment_evaluator.py
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
 import os
+import sys
+import os
+import lib.trend_slope_computer as trend_slope_computer
+def execute(config):
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    file = f"exp{config.counter}_uc{config.use_case}_{config.dim_value}_{config.replicas}_totallag.csv"
+    trend_slope = trend_slope_computer.compute(cwd, file, WARMUP_SEC, THRESHOLD)
-def execute():
-    with open("last_exp_result.txt", "r") as file:
-        result = file.read()
-        return int(result) == 1
+    print(f"Trend Slope: {trend_slope}")
+    success = 0 if trend_slope > THRESHOLD else 1
+    return success
diff --git a/execution/strategies/tests/test_binary_search_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_binary_search_strategy.py
similarity index 66%
rename from execution/strategies/tests/test_binary_search_strategy.py
rename to execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_binary_search_strategy.py
index 0a680cb75e0dcc319fccdb72efb8987b6835b8d9..ed727ad607c99def55f429e97a0e66cf0eb72397 100644
--- a/execution/strategies/tests/test_binary_search_strategy.py
+++ b/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_binary_search_strategy.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import pprint
 from strategies.config import ExperimentConfig
-import strategies.strategies.binary_search_strategy as binary_search_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.search.binary_search_strategy as binary_search_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.domain_restriction.lower_bound_strategy as lower_bound_strategy
 from strategies.experiment_execution import ExperimentExecutor
 import strategies.subexperiment_execution.subexperiment_executor as subexperiment_executor
@@ -11,10 +12,10 @@ class Object(object):
 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
 dim_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
-replicas = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+replicass = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 # True means the experiment was successful
-# the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as usual arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
+# the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as common known arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
 # this means the first row starts with (0,0), the second row with (1, 0) etc.
 successful = [
        [ True , True , True , True , True , True , True  ],
@@ -27,21 +28,22 @@ successful = [
 expected_order = [
-        (3,0), # interval (0, 6)
-        (1,0), 
+        (0,3), # workload dim 0
+        (0,1), 
-        (3,1), # interval (0, 6)
+        (1,3), # workload dim 1
-        (3,2), # interval (0, 6)
+        (2,4), # workload dim 2
-        (4,3), # interval (3, 6)
+        (3,4), # workload dim 3
+        (3,2),
-        (5,4), # interval (4, 6)
-        (4,4),
-        (5,5), # interval (5,6)
-        (5,6), # interval (5,6)
-        (6,6)
+        (4,4), # workload dim 4
+        (4,3),
+        (5,5), # workload dim 5
+        (5,6),
+        (6,6) # workload dim 6
 last_experiment = (0, 0)
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ subexperiment_executor.execute = subexperiment_executor_executor
 subexperiment_evaluator = Object()
-def subexperiment_evaluator_execute():
+def subexperiment_evaluator_execute(i):
     print("Evaluating last experiment. Index was:")
     global expected_order, experiment_counter, last_experiment, successful
@@ -85,6 +87,18 @@ def test_binary_search_strategy():
     # execute
-    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(uc, dim_values, replicas, partitions, cpu_limit, memory_limit, kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, execution_minutes, binary_search_strategy, subexperiment_executor, subexperiment_evaluator)
+    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
+        use_case=uc,
+        dim_values=dim_values,
+        replicass=replicass,
+        partitions=partitions,
+        cpu_limit=cpu_limit,
+        memory_limit=memory_limit,
+        kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms,
+        execution_minutes=execution_minutes,
+        domain_restriction_strategy=lower_bound_strategy,
+        search_strategy=binary_search_strategy,
+        subexperiment_executor=subexperiment_executor,
+        subexperiment_evaluator=subexperiment_evaluator)
     executor = ExperimentExecutor(experiment_config)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_check_all_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_check_all_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33c32944b82d095e1b247a7bb7e84fe702c3f147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_check_all_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import pprint
+from strategies.config import ExperimentConfig
+import strategies.strategies.search.check_all_strategy as check_all_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.domain_restriction.lower_bound_strategy as lower_bound_strategy
+from strategies.experiment_execution import ExperimentExecutor
+import strategies.subexperiment_execution.subexperiment_executor as subexperiment_executor
+class Object(object):
+    pass
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+dim_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+replicass = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+# True means the experiment was successful
+# the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as usual arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
+# this means the first row starts with (0,0), the second row with (1, 0) etc.
+successful = [
+       [ True , True , True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, False ] 
+    ]
+# the expected order of executed experiments
+expected_order = [
+        (0,0), # workload dim 0
+        (0,1),
+        (0,2),
+        (0,3),
+        (0,4),
+        (0,5),
+        (0,6),
+        (1,0), # workload dim 1
+        (1,1),
+        (1,2),
+        (1,3),
+        (1,4),
+        (1,5),
+        (1,6),
+        (2,2), # workload dim 2
+        (2,3),
+        (2,4),
+        (2,5),
+        (2,6),
+        (3,2), # workload dim 3
+        (3,3),
+        (3,4),
+        (3,5),
+        (3,6),
+        (4,3), # workload dim 4
+        (4,4),
+        (4,5),
+        (4,6),
+        (5,4), # workload dim 3
+        (5,5),
+        (5,6),
+        (6,6) # workload dim 6
+    ]
+last_experiment = (0, 0)
+experiment_counter = -1
+subexperiment_executor = Object()
+def subexperiment_executor_executor(config):
+    global experiment_counter, last_experiment, pp
+    print("Simulate subexperiment with config:")
+    pp.pprint(config)
+    last_experiment = (config.dim_value, config.replicas)
+    experiment_counter += 1
+    print("Simulation complete")
+subexperiment_executor.execute = subexperiment_executor_executor
+# returns True if the experiment was successful
+subexperiment_evaluator = Object()
+def subexperiment_evaluator_execute(i):
+    print("Evaluating last experiment. Index was:")
+    global expected_order, experiment_counter, last_experiment, successful
+    pp.pprint(expected_order[experiment_counter])
+    assert expected_order[experiment_counter] == last_experiment
+    print("Index was as expected. Evaluation finished.")
+    return 1 if successful[last_experiment[0]][last_experiment[1]] else 0
+subexperiment_evaluator.execute = subexperiment_evaluator_execute
+def test_linear_search_strategy():
+    # declare parameters
+    uc="test-uc"
+    partitions=40
+    cpu_limit="1000m"
+    memory_limit="4Gi"
+    kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=100
+    execution_minutes=5
+    # execute
+    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
+        use_case=uc,
+        dim_values=dim_values,
+        replicass=replicass,
+        partitions=partitions,
+        cpu_limit=cpu_limit,
+        memory_limit=memory_limit,
+        kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms,
+        execution_minutes=execution_minutes,
+        domain_restriction_strategy=lower_bound_strategy,
+        search_strategy=check_all_strategy,
+        subexperiment_executor=subexperiment_executor,
+        subexperiment_evaluator=subexperiment_evaluator)
+    executor = ExperimentExecutor(experiment_config)
+    executor.execute()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/tests/test_step_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_linear_search_strategy.py
similarity index 75%
rename from execution/strategies/tests/test_step_strategy.py
rename to execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_linear_search_strategy.py
index bd7a3caef77d671735c74cecd3d2b7c2be056d2b..9188b471949b2d0a505337a0b401df3f30da2763 100644
--- a/execution/strategies/tests/test_step_strategy.py
+++ b/execution/strategies/tests/test_domain_restriction_linear_search_strategy.py
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 import pprint
 from strategies.config import ExperimentConfig
-import strategies.strategies.step_strategy as step_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.search.linear_search_strategy as linear_search_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.domain_restriction.lower_bound_strategy as lower_bound_strategy
 from strategies.experiment_execution import ExperimentExecutor
 import strategies.subexperiment_execution.subexperiment_executor as subexperiment_executor
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ class Object(object):
 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
 dim_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
-replicas = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+replicass = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 # True means the experiment was successful
 # the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as usual arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ subexperiment_executor.execute = subexperiment_executor_executor
 subexperiment_evaluator = Object()
-def subexperiment_evaluator_execute():
+def subexperiment_evaluator_execute(i):
     print("Evaluating last experiment. Index was:")
     global expected_order, experiment_counter, last_experiment, successful
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ def subexperiment_evaluator_execute():
 subexperiment_evaluator.execute = subexperiment_evaluator_execute
-def test_step_strategy():
+def test_linear_search_strategy():
     # declare parameters
@@ -82,6 +83,18 @@ def test_step_strategy():
     # execute
-    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(uc, dim_values, replicas, partitions, cpu_limit, memory_limit, kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms, execution_minutes, step_strategy, subexperiment_executor, subexperiment_evaluator)
+    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
+        use_case=uc,
+        dim_values=dim_values,
+        replicass=replicass,
+        partitions=partitions,
+        cpu_limit=cpu_limit,
+        memory_limit=memory_limit,
+        kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms,
+        execution_minutes=execution_minutes,
+        domain_restriction_strategy=lower_bound_strategy,
+        search_strategy=linear_search_strategy,
+        subexperiment_executor=subexperiment_executor,
+        subexperiment_evaluator=subexperiment_evaluator)
     executor = ExperimentExecutor(experiment_config)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_binary_search_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_binary_search_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52ad2e0e7fc88038a2aa276ac967ccdd482d2e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_binary_search_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import pprint
+from strategies.config import ExperimentConfig
+import strategies.strategies.search.binary_search_strategy as binary_search_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.domain_restriction.no_lower_bound_strategy as no_lower_bound_strategy
+from strategies.experiment_execution import ExperimentExecutor
+import strategies.subexperiment_execution.subexperiment_executor as subexperiment_executor
+class Object(object):
+    pass
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+dim_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+replicass = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+# True means the experiment was successful
+# the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as common known arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
+# this means the first row starts with (0,0), the second row with (1, 0) etc.
+successful = [
+       [ True , True , True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, False ] 
+    ]
+expected_order = [
+        (0,3), # workload dim 0
+        (0,1), 
+        (0,0),
+        (1,3), # workload dim 1
+        (1,1),
+        (1,2),
+        (2,3), # workload dim 2
+        (2,1),
+        (2,2),
+        (3,3), # workload dim 3
+        (3,1),
+        (3,2),
+        (4,3), # workload dim 4
+        (4,5),
+        (4,4),
+        (5,3), # workload dim 5
+        (5,5),
+        (5,6),
+        (6,3), # workload dim 6
+        (6,5),
+        (6,6)
+    ]
+last_experiment = (0, 0)
+experiment_counter = -1
+subexperiment_executor = Object()
+def subexperiment_executor_executor(config):
+    global experiment_counter, last_experiment, pp
+    print("Simulate subexperiment with config:")
+    pp.pprint(config)
+    last_experiment = (config.dim_value, config.replicas)
+    experiment_counter += 1
+    print("Simulation complete")
+subexperiment_executor.execute = subexperiment_executor_executor
+# returns True if the experiment was successful
+subexperiment_evaluator = Object()
+def subexperiment_evaluator_execute(i):
+    print("Evaluating last experiment. Index was:")
+    global expected_order, experiment_counter, last_experiment, successful
+    pp.pprint(last_experiment)
+    print("Index was expected to be:")
+    pp.pprint(expected_order[experiment_counter])
+    assert expected_order[experiment_counter] == last_experiment
+    print("Index was as expected. Evaluation finished.")
+    return 1 if successful[last_experiment[0]][last_experiment[1]] else 0
+subexperiment_evaluator.execute = subexperiment_evaluator_execute
+def test_binary_search_strategy():
+    # declare parameters
+    uc="test-uc"
+    partitions=40
+    cpu_limit="1000m"
+    memory_limit="4Gi"
+    kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=100
+    execution_minutes=5
+    # execute
+    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
+        use_case=uc,
+        dim_values=dim_values,
+        replicass=replicass,
+        partitions=partitions,
+        cpu_limit=cpu_limit,
+        memory_limit=memory_limit,
+        kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms,
+        execution_minutes=execution_minutes,
+        domain_restriction_strategy=no_lower_bound_strategy,
+        search_strategy=binary_search_strategy,
+        subexperiment_executor=subexperiment_executor,
+        subexperiment_evaluator=subexperiment_evaluator)
+    executor = ExperimentExecutor(experiment_config)
+    executor.execute()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_check_all_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_check_all_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f0a0eed500bd925166846ccdbfcda0a7d1c1095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_check_all_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import pprint
+from strategies.config import ExperimentConfig
+import strategies.strategies.search.check_all_strategy as check_all_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.domain_restriction.no_lower_bound_strategy as no_lower_bound_strategy
+from strategies.experiment_execution import ExperimentExecutor
+import strategies.subexperiment_execution.subexperiment_executor as subexperiment_executor
+class Object(object):
+    pass
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+dim_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+replicass = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+# True means the experiment was successful
+# the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as usual arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
+# this means the first row starts with (0,0), the second row with (1, 0) etc.
+successful = [
+       [ True , True , True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, False ] 
+    ]
+# the expected order of executed experiments
+expected_order = [
+        (0,0), # workload dim 0
+        (0,1),
+        (0,2),
+        (0,3),
+        (0,4),
+        (0,5),
+        (0,6),
+        (1,0), # workload dim 1
+        (1,1),
+        (1,2),
+        (1,3),
+        (1,4),
+        (1,5),
+        (1,6),
+        (2,0), # workload dim 2
+        (2,1),
+        (2,2), 
+        (2,3),
+        (2,4),
+        (2,5),
+        (2,6),
+        (3,0), # workload dim 4
+        (3,1),
+        (3,2), 
+        (3,3),
+        (3,4),
+        (3,5),
+        (3,6),
+        (4,0), # workload dim 4
+        (4,1),
+        (4,2), 
+        (4,3),
+        (4,4),
+        (4,5),
+        (4,6),
+        (5,0), # workload dim 5
+        (5,1),
+        (5,2), 
+        (5,3),
+        (5,4),
+        (5,5),
+        (5,6),
+        (6,0), # workload dim 6
+        (6,1),
+        (6,2), 
+        (6,3),
+        (6,4),
+        (6,5),
+        (6,6),
+    ]
+last_experiment = (0, 0)
+experiment_counter = -1
+subexperiment_executor = Object()
+def subexperiment_executor_executor(config):
+    global experiment_counter, last_experiment, pp
+    print("Simulate subexperiment with config:")
+    pp.pprint(config)
+    last_experiment = (config.dim_value, config.replicas)
+    experiment_counter += 1
+    print("Simulation complete")
+subexperiment_executor.execute = subexperiment_executor_executor
+# returns True if the experiment was successful
+subexperiment_evaluator = Object()
+def subexperiment_evaluator_execute(i):
+    print("Evaluating last experiment. Index was:")
+    global expected_order, experiment_counter, last_experiment, successful
+    pp.pprint(expected_order[experiment_counter])
+    assert expected_order[experiment_counter] == last_experiment
+    print("Index was as expected. Evaluation finished.")
+    return 1 if successful[last_experiment[0]][last_experiment[1]] else 0
+subexperiment_evaluator.execute = subexperiment_evaluator_execute
+def test_linear_search_strategy():
+    # declare parameters
+    uc="test-uc"
+    partitions=40
+    cpu_limit="1000m"
+    memory_limit="4Gi"
+    kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=100
+    execution_minutes=5
+    # execute
+    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
+        use_case=uc,
+        dim_values=dim_values,
+        replicass=replicass,
+        partitions=partitions,
+        cpu_limit=cpu_limit,
+        memory_limit=memory_limit,
+        kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms,
+        execution_minutes=execution_minutes,
+        domain_restriction_strategy=no_lower_bound_strategy,
+        search_strategy=check_all_strategy,
+        subexperiment_executor=subexperiment_executor,
+        subexperiment_evaluator=subexperiment_evaluator)
+    executor = ExperimentExecutor(experiment_config)
+    executor.execute()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_linear_search_strategy.py b/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_linear_search_strategy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7fd68b9b5b0c99ea6cd443c889d925d357b22cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/strategies/tests/test_no_restriction_linear_search_strategy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import pprint
+from strategies.config import ExperimentConfig
+import strategies.strategies.search.linear_search_strategy as linear_search_strategy
+import strategies.strategies.domain_restriction.no_lower_bound_strategy as no_lower_bound_strategy
+from strategies.experiment_execution import ExperimentExecutor
+import strategies.subexperiment_execution.subexperiment_executor as subexperiment_executor
+class Object(object):
+    pass
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+dim_values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+replicass = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+# True means the experiment was successful
+# the experiments are indexed row (representing dimension values) and column (representing number of replicas) wise as usual arrays from 0 - 6 respectively.
+# this means the first row starts with (0,0), the second row with (1, 0) etc.
+successful = [
+       [ True , True , True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, True , True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, True , True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, True , True , True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, True  ],
+       [ False, False, False, False, False, False, False ] 
+    ]
+# the expected order of executed experiments
+expected_order = [
+        (0,0), # workload dim 0
+        (1,0), # workload dim 1
+        (1,1),
+        (1,2),
+        (2,0), # workload dim 2
+        (2,1),
+        (2,2),
+        (3,0), # workload dim 3
+        (3,1),
+        (3,2),
+        (3,3),
+        (4,0), # workload dim 4
+        (4,1),
+        (4,2),
+        (4,3),
+        (4,4),
+        (5,0), # workload dim 5
+        (5,1),
+        (5,2),
+        (5,3),
+        (5,4),
+        (5,5),
+        (5,6),
+        (6,0), # workload dim 6
+        (6,1),
+        (6,2),
+        (6,3),
+        (6,4),
+        (6,5),
+        (6,6)
+    ]
+last_experiment = (0, 0)
+experiment_counter = -1
+subexperiment_executor = Object()
+def subexperiment_executor_executor(config):
+    global experiment_counter, last_experiment, pp
+    print("Simulate subexperiment with config:")
+    pp.pprint(config)
+    last_experiment = (config.dim_value, config.replicas)
+    experiment_counter += 1
+    print("Simulation complete")
+subexperiment_executor.execute = subexperiment_executor_executor
+# returns True if the experiment was successful
+subexperiment_evaluator = Object()
+def subexperiment_evaluator_execute(i):
+    print("Evaluating last experiment. Index was:")
+    global expected_order, experiment_counter, last_experiment, successful
+    pp.pprint(expected_order[experiment_counter])
+    assert expected_order[experiment_counter] == last_experiment
+    print("Index was as expected. Evaluation finished.")
+    return 1 if successful[last_experiment[0]][last_experiment[1]] else 0
+subexperiment_evaluator.execute = subexperiment_evaluator_execute
+def test_linear_search_strategy():
+    # declare parameters
+    uc="test-uc"
+    partitions=40
+    cpu_limit="1000m"
+    memory_limit="4Gi"
+    kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=100
+    execution_minutes=5
+    # execute
+    experiment_config = ExperimentConfig(
+        use_case=uc,
+        dim_values=dim_values,
+        replicass=replicass,
+        partitions=partitions,
+        cpu_limit=cpu_limit,
+        memory_limit=memory_limit,
+        kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms=kafka_streams_commit_interval_ms,
+        execution_minutes=execution_minutes,
+        domain_restriction_strategy=no_lower_bound_strategy,
+        search_strategy=linear_search_strategy,
+        subexperiment_executor=subexperiment_executor,
+        subexperiment_evaluator=subexperiment_evaluator)
+    executor = ExperimentExecutor(experiment_config)
+    executor.execute()
\ No newline at end of file