apiVersion: theodolite.com/v1 kind: benchmark metadata: name: uc2-beam-samza spec: sut: resources: - configMap: name: "benchmark-resources-uc2-beam-samza" files: - "uc2-beam-samza-deployment.yaml" - "beam-samza-service.yaml" - "service-monitor.yaml" # beforeActions: # - selector: # delete zookeeper nodes to reset zookeeper # pod: # matchLabels: # app: "cp-zookeeper" # container: "cp-zookeeper-server" # exec: # command: ["/usr/bin/zookeeper-shell", "localhost:2181", "ls" , "/"] # timeoutSeconds: 60 # - selector: #Create input topic for samza with 10 partitions # pod: # matchLabels: # app: "cp-zookeeper" # container: "cp-zookeeper-server" # exec: # command: ["kafka-topics", "--zookeeper", "localhost:2181", # "--topic", "input", "--partitions", "10", "--create"] # timeoutSeconds: 90 afterActions: - selector: # delete zookeeper nodes to reset zookeeper pod: matchLabels: app: "zookeeper-client" container: "zookeeper-client" exec: command: ["bin/zkCli.sh", "-server", "theodolite-kafka-zoo-entrance:2181", "deleteall", "/app-theodolite-uc2-application-1"] timeoutSeconds: 60 loadGenerator: resources: - configMap: name: "benchmark-resources-uc2-load-generator" files: - "uc2-load-generator-deployment.yaml" - "uc2-load-generator-service.yaml" resourceTypes: - typeName: "Instances" patchers: - type: "ReplicaPatcher" resource: "uc2-beam-samza-deployment.yaml" loadTypes: - typeName: "NumSensors" patchers: - type: "EnvVarPatcher" resource: "uc2-load-generator-deployment.yaml" properties: container: "workload-generator" variableName: "NUM_SENSORS" - type: NumSensorsLoadGeneratorReplicaPatcher resource: "uc2-load-generator-deployment.yaml" properties: loadGenMaxRecords: "150000" kafkaConfig: bootstrapServer: "theodolite-kafka-kafka-bootstrap:9092" topics: - name: "input" numPartitions: 40 replicationFactor: 1 - name: "output" numPartitions: 40 replicationFactor: 1 - name: ".*samza.*" removeOnly: true - name: ".*uc2-application.*" removeOnly: true