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Sören Henning / theodolite
Apache License 2.0Theodolite is a framework for benchmarking the horizontal and vertical scalability of cloud-native applications.
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Kieker / MooBench
Apache License 2.0The MooBench (MOnitoring Overhead BENCHmark) micro-benchmark has been developed to measure and quantify the overhead of monitoring frameworks. It is available as open-source software.
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oceandsl / esm-architecture-analysis-replication-package
Apache License 2.0Earth System Model - Architecture Recovery, Analysis and Remodularization Replication-Package
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Christian Wulf / TeeTimeVariants
Apache License 2.0Alternative TeeTime implementations for performance evaluations
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Serafim Simonov / oceandsl-tools
Apache License 2.0Project containing tools developed in OceanDSL.
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Serafim Simonov / oceandsl-tools-mp
Apache License 2.0Project containing tools developed in OceanDSL.
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SustainKieker / moobench
Apache License 2.0Updated -
oceandsl / cp-dsl-jupyter-setup
Apache License 2.0Updated -
SLAstic / SLAstic
Apache License 2.0Updated -
oceandsl / ecsa-uvic
Apache License 2.0Updated -
oceandsl / oceandsl-tools
Apache License 2.0Project containing tools developed in OceanDSL.
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