05 Oct 2015
Bugfix (Issue #13)
Redirected some log messages from the console into logging files.
05 Oct 2015
Bugfix (Issue #12)
For some record types, the short operation names were not displayed correctly in the GUI.
04 Oct 2015
Bugfix (Issue #11)
Under certain circumstances specific record types could lead to a crash in the analysis. Not supported records are now completely filtered out. The number of ignored records can be seen in the monitoring statistics.
04 Oct 2015
Feature (Issue #10)
Added log4j2 as logging framework. The log messages of the tool (and the underlying TeeTime framework) are now written into files.
03 Oct 2015
Bugfix (Issue #9)
The counter of the (aggregated) traces where, unlike the counter of the (aggregated) calls, not bound to the visible traces.
06 Sep 2015
Feature (Issue #5)
Added GUI tests to the nightly build in order to improve the quality.
05 Sep 2015
Feature (Issue #3)
Improved the filter and search possibilities within the tool.
04 Oct 2015
First public release