Before deploying the docker container make sure to have valid data in the data folder. Use your own code/data or use code from the verification folder in the MITgcm git repository for testing purposes (e.g.
* Deploy the container by using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
* or using plain docker by runnning
docker image build -t case-study-mitgcm .
docker run -v $(pwd)/../data/:/data --name case-study-mitgcm case-study-mitgcm
### Without Docker
Folder: /bare
You can use to run code on your machine, use the -x flag to use example code
e.g. ./ -x -i
-d dir location of data (mandatory)
-i install required packages
-k keep binary files
-a architecture [amd64(default), ia32]
-x use example data (WARNING: deletes the content of the data folder and replaces it with example code)