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title: Theodolite CRDs
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# API Reference


- [](#theodolitecomv1)


Resource Types:

- [benchmark](#benchmark)

- [execution](#execution)

## benchmark
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#theodolitecomv1 )</sup></sup>

      <td><b><a href="">metadata</a></b></td>
      <td>Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field.</td>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspec">spec</a></b></td>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkstatus">status</a></b></td>

### benchmark.spec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmark)</sup></sup>

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgenerator">loadGenerator</a></b></td>
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          The loadGenResourceSets specifies all Kubernetes resources required to start the load generator. A resourceSet can be either a configMap resourceSet or a fileSystem resourceSet.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadtypesindex">loadTypes</a></b></td>
          A list of load types that can be scaled for this benchmark. For each load type the concrete values are defined in the execution object.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindex">resourceTypes</a></b></td>
          A list of resource types that can be scaled for this `benchmark` resource. For each resource type the concrete values are defined in the `execution` object.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsut">sut</a></b></td>
          The appResourceSets specifies all Kubernetes resources required to start the sut. A resourceSet can be either a configMap resourceSet or a fileSystem resourceSet.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecinfrastructure">infrastructure</a></b></td>
          (Optional) A list of file names that reference Kubernetes resources that are deployed on the cluster to create the required infrastructure.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspeckafkaconfig">kafkaConfig</a></b></td>
          Contains the Kafka configuration.<br/>
          This field exists only for technical reasons and should not be set by the user. The value of the field will be overwritten.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>

<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>

The loadGenResourceSets specifies all Kubernetes resources required to start the load generator. A resourceSet can be either a configMap resourceSet or a fileSystem resourceSet.

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindex">afterActions</a></b></td>
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          Load generator after actions are executed after the teardown of the load generator.<br/>
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            <i>Default</i>: []<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindex">beforeActions</a></b></td>
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          Load generator before actions are executed before the load generator is started.<br/>
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            <i>Default</i>: []<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorresourcesindex">resources</a></b></td>
            <i>Default</i>: []<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.afterActions[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgenerator)</sup></sup>

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindexexec">exec</a></b></td>
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          Specifies command to be executed.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindexselector">selector</a></b></td>
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          The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.afterActions[index].exec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindex)</sup></sup>
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Specifies command to be executed.

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          The command to be executed as string array.<br/>
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          Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for the specified command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.afterActions[index].selector
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindex)</sup></sup>
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The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.

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          Specifies the container.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindexselectorpod">pod</a></b></td>
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Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
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          Specifies the pod.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.afterActions[index].selector.pod
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorafteractionsindexselector)</sup></sup>
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Specifies the pod.

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          The matchLabels of the desired pod.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
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### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.beforeActions[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgenerator)</sup></sup>

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindexexec">exec</a></b></td>
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Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
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          Specifies command to be executed.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindexselector">selector</a></b></td>
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Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
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          The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.beforeActions[index].exec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindex)</sup></sup>
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Specifies command to be executed.

          The command to be executed as string array.<br/>
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          Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for the specified command.<br/>
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### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.beforeActions[index].selector
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindex)</sup></sup>
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The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.

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          Specifies the container.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
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        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindexselectorpod">pod</a></b></td>
Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
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          Specifies the pod.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.beforeActions[index].selector.pod
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorbeforeactionsindexselector)</sup></sup>
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Specifies the pod.

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          The matchLabels of the desired pod.<br/>
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            <i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.resources[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgenerator)</sup></sup>

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorresourcesindexconfigmap">configMap</a></b></td>
          The configMap resourceSet loads the Kubernetes manifests from an Kubernetes configMap.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorresourcesindexfilesystem">fileSystem</a></b></td>
          The fileSystem resourceSet loads the Kubernetes manifests from the filesystem.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.resources[index].configMap
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorresourcesindex)</sup></sup>
The configMap resourceSet loads the Kubernetes manifests from an Kubernetes configMap.

          (Optional) Specifies which files from the configMap should be loaded. If this field is not set, all files are loaded.<br/>
          The name of the configMap<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadGenerator.resources[index].fileSystem
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgeneratorresourcesindex)</sup></sup>
The fileSystem resourceSet loads the Kubernetes manifests from the filesystem.

          (Optional) Specifies which files from the configMap should be loaded. If this field is not set, all files are loaded.<br/>
          The path to the folder which contains the Kubernetes manifests files.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadTypes[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadtypesindexpatchersindex">patchers</a></b></td>
          List of patchers used to scale this resource type.<br/>
          Name of the load type.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.loadTypes[index].patchers[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadtypesindex)</sup></sup>

          Specifies the Kubernetes resource to be patched.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
          Type of the Patcher.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
          (Optional) Patcher specific additional arguments.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>

### benchmark.spec.resourceTypes[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindexpatchersindex">patchers</a></b></td>
          List of patchers used to scale this resource type.<br/>
          Name of the resource type.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.resourceTypes[index].patchers[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindex)</sup></sup>

          Specifies the Kubernetes resource to be patched.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
          Type of the patcher.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
          (Optional) Patcher specific additional arguments.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>

The appResourceSets specifies all Kubernetes resources required to start the sut. A resourceSet can be either a configMap resourceSet or a fileSystem resourceSet.

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindex">afterActions</a></b></td>
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            <i>Default</i>: []<br/>
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        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutbeforeactionsindex">beforeActions</a></b></td>
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          SUT before actions are executed before the SUT is started.<br/>
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            <i>Default</i>: []<br/>
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        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutresourcesindex">resources</a></b></td>
            <i>Default</i>: []<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.afterActions[index]

        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindexexec">exec</a></b></td>
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          Specifies command to be executed.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindexselector">selector</a></b></td>
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          The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.afterActions[index].exec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindex)</sup></sup>
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Specifies command to be executed.

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          The command to be executed as string array.<br/>
          Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for the specified command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.afterActions[index].selector
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindex)</sup></sup>
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The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.

          Specifies the container.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindexselectorpod">pod</a></b></td>
Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
Benedikt Wetzel committed
          Specifies the pod.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.afterActions[index].selector.pod
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecsutafteractionsindexselector)</sup></sup>
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Specifies the pod.

          The matchLabels of the desired pod.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.beforeActions[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecsut)</sup></sup>
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        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutbeforeactionsindexexec">exec</a></b></td>
Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
Benedikt Wetzel committed
          Specifies command to be executed.<br/>
        <td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecsutbeforeactionsindexselector">selector</a></b></td>
Benedikt Wetzel's avatar
Benedikt Wetzel committed
          The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.beforeActions[index].exec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecsutbeforeactionsindex)</sup></sup>
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Specifies command to be executed.

          The command to be executed as string array.<br/>
          Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for the specified command.<br/>

### benchmark.spec.sut.beforeActions[index].selector
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecsutbeforeactionsindex)</sup></sup>
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The selector specifies which resource should be selected for the execution of the command.

          Specifies the container.<br/>
            <i>Default</i>: <br/>