@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ Patchers can be seen as functions which take a value as input and modify a Kuber
***resource**: "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
***example value**: "random-scheduler"
***LabelPatcher**: Changes the label of a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet. The patches field is: `metadata.labels`
***LabelPatcher**: Changes the label of a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet. The patched field is: `metadata.labels`
***type**: "LabelPatcher"
***resource**: "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
* variableName: "app"
***example value**: "theodolite-sut"
***MatchLabelPatcher**: Changes the match labels of a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet. The patches field is: `spec.selector.matchLabels`
***MatchLabelPatcher**: Changes the match labels of a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet. The patched field is: `spec.selector.matchLabels`
***type**: "MatchLabelPatcher"
***resource**: "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
* variableName: "app"
***example value**: "theodolite-sut"
***TemplateLabelPatcher**: Changes the template labels of a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet. The patches field is: `spec.template.metadata.labels`
***TemplateLabelPatcher**: Changes the template labels of a Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet. The patched field is: `spec.template.metadata.labels`