| --duration | DURATION | Duration in minutes subexperiments should be executed for. *Default:* `5`. |
| --partitions | PARTITIONS | Number of partitions for Kafka topics. *Default:* `40`. |
| --cpu-limit | CPU_LIMIT | Kubernetes CPU limit for a single Pod. *Default:* `1000m`. |
| --memory-limiT | MEMORY_LIMIT | Kubernetes memory limit for a single Pod. *Default:* `4Gi`. |
| --memory-limit | MEMORY_LIMIT | Kubernetes memory limit for a single Pod. *Default:* `4Gi`. |
| --domain-restriction | DOMAIN_RESTRICTION | A flag that indiciates domain restriction should be used. *Default:* not set. For more details see Section [Domain Restriction](#domain-restriction). |
| --search-strategy | SEARCH_STRATEGY | The benchmarking search strategy. Can be set to `check-all`, `linear-search` or `binary-search`. *Default:* `check-all`. For more details see Section [Benchmarking Search Strategies](#benchmarking-search-strategies). |
| --reset | RESET | Resets the environment before each subexperiment. Useful if execution was aborted and just one experiment should be executed. |
| --reset-only | RESET_ONLY | Only resets the environment. Ignores all other parameters. Useful if execution was aborted and one want a clean state for new executions. |