Theodolite stores the results of benchmark executions in CSV files, whose names are starting with `exp<id>_...`. These files can be read and analyzed by Theodolite's analysis notebooks.
Theodolite stores the results of benchmark executions in CSV files, whose names are starting with `exp<id>_...`. These files can be read and analyzed by Theodolite's analysis notebooks.
If [persisting results](installation#persisting-results) is enabled in Theodolite's installation, the result files are stored in a PersistentVolume. Depending on the cluster setup or Theodolite's configuration, the content of these volumes can usually be mounted into your host system in some way or accessed via your cloud provider.
If [persisting results](installation#persisting-results) is enabled in Theodolite's installation, the result files are stored in a PersistentVolume. Depending on the cluster setup or Theodolite's configuration, the content of these volumes can usually be mounted into your host system in some way or accessed via your cloud provider.