Explore projects
Instructions for writing a thesis or a seminar paper can be found in the wiki: https://git.se.informatik.uni-kiel.de/se/templates/-/wikis/home
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oceandsl / ecsa-uvic
Apache License 2.0Updated -
oceandsl / ecsa-mitgcm
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
oceandsl / cp-dsl-jupyter-kernel
Apache License 2.0Updated -
oceandsl / cp-dsl-jupyter-setup
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Kieker / MooBench
Apache License 2.0The MooBench (MOnitoring Overhead BENCHmark) micro-benchmark has been developed to measure and quantify the overhead of monitoring frameworks. It is available as open-source software.
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / explorviz-downloader
Apache License 2.0Downloading of customized Explorviz builds
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / analysis
Apache License 2.0Analysis component for our ExplorViz Approach (GWT)
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / monitoring
Apache License 2.0Monitoring component for the ExplorViz Approach (GWT)
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / common
Apache License 2.0Shared files between the client and server in GWT
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Christian Wulf / phd-case-studies
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This frontend extension adds a discovery mode for monitored applications to ExplorViz
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / explorviz-backend-extension-discovery
Apache License 2.0This backend extension adds a discovery mode for monitored applications to ExplorViz
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / external-monitoring-logs-adapter
Apache License 2.0Importer (Reader) for Kieker Monitoring Logs
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / explorviz-plugin-bci
Apache License 2.0This extension features a BCI integration for ExplorViz
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This frontend extension features a BCI integration for ExplorViz
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ExplorViz / explorviz-github-archive / study-registration-website
Apache License 2.0Registration website for a study used in ExplorViz