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1 merge request!171Introduce ResourceSets to make loading of resource files more flexible
# API Reference
- [](#theodolitecomv1)
Resource Types:
- [benchmark](#benchmark)
## benchmark
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#theodolitecomv1 )</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="">metadata</a></b></td>
<td>Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field.</td>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspec">spec</a></b></td>
### benchmark.spec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmark)</sup></sup>
This field exists only for technical reasons and should not be set by the user. The value of the field will be overwritten.<br/>
A list of file names that reference Kubernetes resources that are deployed on the cluster for the system under test (SUT).<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspeckafkaconfig">kafkaConfig</a></b></td>
Contains the Kafka configuration.<br/>
A list of file names that reference Kubernetes resources that are deployed on the cluster for the load generator.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadtypesindex">loadTypes</a></b></td>
A list of load types that can be scaled for this benchmark. For each load type the concrete values are defined in the execution object.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindex">resourceTypes</a></b></td>
A list of resource types that can be scaled for this `benchmark` resource. For each resource type the concrete values are defined in the `execution` object.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.kafkaConfig
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
Contains the Kafka configuration.
The bootstrap servers connection string.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspeckafkaconfigtopicsindex">topics</a></b></td>
List of topics to be created for each experiment. Alternative theodolite offers the possibility to remove certain topics after each experiment.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.kafkaConfig.topics[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspeckafkaconfig)</sup></sup>
Determines if this topic should only be deleted after each experiement. For removeOnly topics the name can be a RegEx describing the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: false<br/>
The name of the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
The number of partitions of the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: 0<br/>
The replication factor of the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: 0<br/>
### benchmark.spec.loadTypes[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadtypesindexpatchersindex">patchers</a></b></td>
List of patchers used to scale this resource type.<br/>
Name of the load type.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.loadTypes[index].patchers[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadtypesindex)</sup></sup>
(Optional) Patcher specific additional arguments.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
Specifies the Kubernetes resource to be patched.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
Type of the Patcher.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
### benchmark.spec.resourceTypes[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindexpatchersindex">patchers</a></b></td>
List of patchers used to scale this resource type.<br/>
Name of the resource type.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.resourceTypes[index].patchers[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindex)</sup></sup>
(Optional) Patcher specific additional arguments.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
Specifies the Kubernetes resource to be patched.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
Type of the patcher.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,11 +8,577 @@ Packages:
Resource Types:
- [benchmark](#benchmark)
- [execution](#execution)
## benchmark
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#theodolitecomv1 )</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="">metadata</a></b></td>
<td>Refer to the Kubernetes API documentation for the fields of the `metadata` field.</td>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspec">spec</a></b></td>
### benchmark.spec
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmark)</sup></sup>
This field exists only for technical reasons and should not be set by the user. The value of the field will be overwritten.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecappresourcesetsindex">appResourceSets</a></b></td>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspeckafkaconfig">kafkaConfig</a></b></td>
Contains the Kafka configuration.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgenresourcesetsindex">loadGenResourceSets</a></b></td>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadtypesindex">loadTypes</a></b></td>
A list of load types that can be scaled for this benchmark. For each load type the concrete values are defined in the execution object.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindex">resourceTypes</a></b></td>
A list of resource types that can be scaled for this `benchmark` resource. For each resource type the concrete values are defined in the `execution` object.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.appResourceSets[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecappresourcesetsindexconfigmap">configMap</a></b></td>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecappresourcesetsindexfilesystem">fileSystem</a></b></td>
### benchmark.spec.appResourceSets[index].configMap
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecappresourcesetsindex)</sup></sup>
### benchmark.spec.appResourceSets[index].fileSystem
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecappresourcesetsindex)</sup></sup>
### benchmark.spec.kafkaConfig
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
Contains the Kafka configuration.
The bootstrap servers connection string.<br/>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspeckafkaconfigtopicsindex">topics</a></b></td>
List of topics to be created for each experiment. Alternative theodolite offers the possibility to remove certain topics after each experiment.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.kafkaConfig.topics[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspeckafkaconfig)</sup></sup>
The number of partitions of the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: 0<br/>
Determines if this topic should only be deleted after each experiement. For removeOnly topics the name can be a RegEx describing the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: false<br/>
The replication factor of the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: 0<br/>
The name of the topic.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
### benchmark.spec.loadGenResourceSets[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgenresourcesetsindexconfigmap">configMap</a></b></td>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadgenresourcesetsindexfilesystem">fileSystem</a></b></td>
### benchmark.spec.loadGenResourceSets[index].configMap
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgenresourcesetsindex)</sup></sup>
### benchmark.spec.loadGenResourceSets[index].fileSystem
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadgenresourcesetsindex)</sup></sup>
### benchmark.spec.loadTypes[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecloadtypesindexpatchersindex">patchers</a></b></td>
List of patchers used to scale this resource type.<br/>
Name of the load type.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.loadTypes[index].patchers[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecloadtypesindex)</sup></sup>
(Optional) Patcher specific additional arguments.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
Specifies the Kubernetes resource to be patched.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
Type of the Patcher.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
### benchmark.spec.resourceTypes[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspec)</sup></sup>
<td><b><a href="#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindexpatchersindex">patchers</a></b></td>
List of patchers used to scale this resource type.<br/>
Name of the resource type.<br/>
### benchmark.spec.resourceTypes[index].patchers[index]
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#benchmarkspecresourcetypesindex)</sup></sup>
(Optional) Patcher specific additional arguments.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
Specifies the Kubernetes resource to be patched.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
Type of the patcher.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: <br/>
## execution
<sup><sup>[↩ Parent](#theodolitecomv1 )</sup></sup>
......@@ -369,7 +935,7 @@ Specifies the scaling resource that is benchmarked.
List of resource values for the specified resource type.<br/>
......@@ -393,12 +959,14 @@ Specifies the scaling resource that is benchmarked.
Connection string for a external slo analysis.<br/>
(Optional) SLO specific additional arguments.<br/>
<i>Default</i>: map[]<br/>
......@@ -420,19 +988,5 @@ Specifies the scaling resource that is benchmarked.
The type of the SLO. It must match 'lag trend'.<br/>
The threshold the SUT should meet for a sucessful experiment.<br/>
Seconds of time that are ignored in the analysis.<br/>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ spec:
loadGenMaxRecords: "15000"
bootstrapServer: "theodolite-cp-kafka:9092"
bootstrapServer: "localhost:9092"
- name: "input"
numPartitions: 40
......@@ -29,24 +29,28 @@ spec:
- name: "theodolite-.*"
removeOnly: True
- fileSystem:
path: ./../../../../config
- "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
- "aggregation-service.yaml"
- "jmx-configmap.yaml"
- "uc1-service-monitor.yaml"
# - configMap:
# configmap: "test-configmap"
# files:
# - "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
# - "aggregation-service.yaml"
# - "jmx-configmap.yaml"
# - "uc1-service-monitor.yaml"
# - fileSystem:
# path: ./../../../../../../config
# files:
# - "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
# - "aggregation-service.yaml"
# - "jmx-configmap.yaml"
# - "uc1-service-monitor.yaml"
- configMap:
name: "test-configmap"
- "uc1-kstreams-deployment.yaml"
- "aggregation-service.yaml"
- "jmx-configmap.yaml"
- "uc1-service-monitor.yaml"
- fileSystem:
path: ./../../../../config
# - fileSystem:
# path: ./../../../../../../config
# files:
# - uc1-load-generator-service.yaml
# - uc1-load-generator-deployment.yaml
- configMap:
name: "test-configmap"
- uc1-load-generator-service.yaml
- uc1-load-generator-deployment.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
- uc1-load-generator-deployment.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ spec:
resourceValues: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- sloType: "lag trend"
prometheusUrl: "http://prometheus-operated:9090"
prometheusUrl: "http://localhost:9090"
offset: 0
threshold: 2000
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package theodolite.benchmark
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.KubernetesResource
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.DefaultKubernetesClient
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.NamespacedKubernetesClient
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.RegisterForReflection
......@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
class ConfigMapResourceSet: ResourceSet, KubernetesResource {
lateinit var configmap: String
lateinit var name: String
lateinit var files: List<String> // load all files, iff files is not set
......@@ -32,14 +31,14 @@ class ConfigMapResourceSet: ResourceSet, KubernetesResource {
try {
resources = client
.filter { it.key.endsWith(".yaml") } // consider only yaml files, e.g. ignore readme files
} catch (e: KubernetesClientException) {
throw DeploymentFailedException("can not find or read configmap: $configmap, error is: ${e.message}")
throw DeploymentFailedException("can not find or read configmap: $name, error is: ${e.message}")
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
throw DeploymentFailedException("can not find configmap or data section is null $configmap, error is: ${e.message}")
throw DeploymentFailedException("can not find configmap or data section is null $name, error is: ${e.message}")
if (::files.isInitialized){
......@@ -10,19 +10,12 @@ import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.server.mock.KubernetesServer
import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest
import io.smallrye.common.constraint.Assert.assertTrue
import junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals
import mu.KotlinLogging
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junitpioneer.jupiter.SetEnvironmentVariable
import theodolite.execution.operator.ExecutionCRDummy
import theodolite.execution.operator.TheodoliteOperator
import theodolite.k8s.CustomResourceWrapper
import theodolite.k8s.resourceLoader.K8sResourceLoaderFromFile
import theodolite.model.crd.ExecutionCRD
import theodolite.util.DeploymentFailedException
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
private val testResourcePath = "./src/test/resources/k8s-resource-files/"
......@@ -49,7 +42,7 @@ class ConfigMapResourceSetTest {
val resourceSet = ConfigMapResourceSet()
resourceSet.configmap = "test-configmap" = "test-configmap"
return resourceSet.getResourceSet(server.client)
......@@ -177,7 +170,7 @@ class ConfigMapResourceSetTest {
val resourceSet = ConfigMapResourceSet()
resourceSet.configmap = "test-configmap" = "test-configmap"
val createdResourcesSet = resourceSet.getResourceSet(server.client)
......@@ -208,7 +201,7 @@ class ConfigMapResourceSetTest {
val resourceSet = ConfigMapResourceSet()
resourceSet.configmap = "test-configmap" = "test-configmap"
resourceSet.files = listOf("test-deployment.yaml")
val createdResourcesSet = resourceSet.getResourceSet(server.client)
......@@ -221,7 +214,7 @@ class ConfigMapResourceSetTest {
fun testConfigMapNotExist() {
val resourceSet = ConfigMapResourceSet()
resourceSet.configmap = "test-configmap1" = "test-configmap1"
lateinit var ex: Exception
try {
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