Unnecessary Stage and AbstractStage
Do we need two separate classes anymore? The main target of this separation was the CompositeStage. As this class does not rely on Stage anymore, a separation of both is no longer useful.
Do we need two separate classes anymore? The main target of this separation was the CompositeStage. As this class does not rely on Stage anymore, a separation of both is no longer useful.
Tested it locally by merging both classes and worked perfect. I don't see any use of two separate classes.
Alright. We now need to discuss how we want to call it: w/ or w/o Abstract.
Inspired by AbstractConsumer/ProducerStage, we should call it AbstractStage. (Nevertheless, this is way better in terms of code style)
Why do you need to know whether a class which you want to extend is abstract or not? Code style is therefore not an argument. But I don't mind ;) You can name it AbstractStage
Implemented in master 315f61b6
Status changed to closed