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  • EventRecordTraceCounter
  • Trace-Aggr-Analysis
  • Trace-Aggr-Analysis-model-usage
  • lbl-sink-migration
  • master default protected
  • merged-AStage
  • moved-declareActive
  • no-bufferunderflow
  • v2.1
  • signal-final
  • multiple-ports-final
  • pipeline-with-method-call-final
12 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Jan10Nov9231Oct2120141327Sep2631Aug26251817129Jul282725222018141211628Jun2723212015147331May30242319181716131211928Apr2722201913876431Mar302926163129Feb252322982126Jan221918121115Dec983130Nov2518171026Oct530Sep221726Aug2Jul24Jun23161520May1312106430Apr242017151019Mar18171411654325Feb232019139added simple and experimental hotspot detectionTrace-Aggr-Anal…Trace-Aggr-Analysisfixed JMSReaderTestlbl-sink-migrat…lbl-sink-migrationAdded comment to "randomly" failing JMSReaderTestdisabled logging output of amqp test brokermigration of DbReader and TCPReader (no tests so far)temporary fix for erroneous aggr trace namesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Trace-Aggr-Analysis' into Trace-Aggr-Analysisrefactored GraphML transformation process (because of #48)added mvn plugin to create jar with dependenciesMigration of web visualization filters without migration of the test cases so farMigration of MonitoringThroughputFilter + testmoved RealtimeRecordDelayFIlter to own packagemigration and tests of TeeFilterremoved findbugs bug in TypeFiltermigration of StringBufferFilter + testmigration + test of TypeFiltermigration and tests of TraceIdFiltermigration and restructuring of TraceIdFilterremoved findbugs scary bugupdated configuration of RealtimeRecordDelayFilterTestRealtimeRecordDelayFilter + AnalysisThroughputStage + test setup (not working see TeeTime issue #302)concrete testthe throughout stage which gets records AND timestamps from clockthe test in which a working configuration would take placetee time configuration with clock which does not terminatesmall changes in TimeReadermigration of TimeReaderfixed argumentsreaders create their own logging filesrerestructured AbstarctReaderrestructured AbstarctReader to an AbstarctStage for more flexibilitymigration of AbstractLogReplayer and JMSLogReplayermigration or rather new implementation of RealtimeRecordDelayFilterremoved unfinished classes which caused build failuremigration of RealtimeRecordDelayFilter (used in AbstractLogReplayer + not tested yet)migration of MonitoringLoggerFilter (used in AbstractLogReplayer)restructuring of the readersmigration + tests of kieker's CountingFilter (renamed to CoutingDisplayFIlter as this filter displays the record count in the kieker gui)some restructuring after the find bugs bug removementremoved more findbugs bugs